Visible Locked: Used in parent/child functionality, this option will allow the question to always be visible, even if it is dependent on a parent question answer.
Input Orientation: This will determine where the answer options will appear in relation to the question, i.e. will the answer field appear vertical (underneath) or horizontal (next to) the question.
Answer Alignment: This option will allow you to align the question text so it either appears horizontally or vertically above the answer field.
Personal Details: Tick this checkbox if you want the answer to this question to appear in the Personal Details section of the Candidate Card. This option is often ticked if this is basic candidate information, such as name, address and contact details. Candidates are able to log in and change their own personal details from the candidate portal.
Criteria: This option will allow you to align the question to the assessment/ selection criteria selected in the job creation process. Once these criteria have been set; they will flow through to the application form and subsequent assessment forms. Select the corresponding selection criteria from this list.
Component XML Name: to be completed