- Free Text: allows respondents to answer this question in free text.
- Multiple Choice: allows respondents to select one answer option from a list of possible options.
- Yes No: allow respondents to answer this question with either a Yes or a No option. Used primarily for Pre-Application forms.
- Date: allows respondents to choose a date from a pop-up calendar.
- Ordered Preference List: requires respondents to rank answer options according to their preference.
- Multi Select: allows respondents to pick one or more answer options from a list of possible options.
- File Upload: allows the respondent to upload a file. An example would be to attach a cover letter in an application form.
- Group Question: allows respondents to answer to a range of sub-question options in a single question block. Group Questions often appear as a table or matrix. An example of a Group Question may be a list of software packages that the candidate is required to rate their proficiency against.
- Label: To be completed
Answer Display Format: This determines the answer options the candidate/user will be presented with when completing this question. For example, if you select a Free Text question type, you can then choose to provide the candidate/user with a single line, paragraph, and WYSIWYG field or email format in which to respond to the question.