Tools to help you manage your broadcasts, reports and other analytics content.
Analytics tools are only available to users with the Corporate Report Writer role permission.
New, comprehensive reports to analyse and understand your broadcasts and their settings.
Broadcast Summary
A summary of all your broadcasts and their details. Shows your active broadcasts by frequency, with the ability to drill directly through to your advanced broadcasts and last run alerts from the report charts (shown above).
Additional information in the table includes;
recipient and attachment types
any applied filter values and delivery rules
frequency and run time details
start (and end) dates
last modified and run status.
Links to more information are available for recipient type, filter values, delivery rules and last modified by columns.
Broadcast Alerts by Last Broadcast
Any broadcast alerts for your review. Lets you know if:
broadcasts ran but rules were not met
drill through to delivery rules when in full window
any errors that may have occurred, their details and possible actions to remedy.
You can review these at the broadcast level or by recipient.
Broadcast Recipients
Lists recipients per broadcast. Includes:
recipient type
recipient report (advanced broadcasts), user’s name or email address.
Broadcast Modification History
Who modified each broadcast, and when. Sometimes you might need to check:
when a broadcast was created or modified
which user created or edited the broadcast settings.
Broadcast Delivery Rules
Your delivery rule details, in one report. Includes:
field(s) used
operator used
any values applied.
Broadcast Filter Values
See all the filter settings for your broadcasts. Includes:
filter type - bookmark or default/saved filter value
field(s) used and the value applied.
Broadcast Run History by Recipient
Visualise your broadcasts across the week and check the broadcast history per recipient. Includes:
last scheduled run details
broadcast results per recipient, and details if not successful.
Broadcast Advanced Recipients
Your advanced broadcast results, by recipient. You can check:
the recipient source report
which recipients were matched for each scheduled run
if it was successful per recipient, and any details and action if not.
Other Tools
A growing suite of reports to help you understand your Acendre Analytics.
Report Co-Displays, Drill Throughs (and Other Relationships)
Shows the relationships between selected reports, including:
tabbed co-displays
drill throughs
Report Sub-Queries
Provides details on any sub-queries in selected reports, including the ability to filter by the sub-query type , data source and view.
Note: the quality of this report will be dependent on report builders giving their report sub-queries relevant names and descriptions.
New Tools, New Possibilities
Reports looking at your analytics configuration have been completely redesigned, taking advantage of new reporting database fields and their relationships.
Previously, you could only see your broadcasts by their last run details, and at the broadcast level, and you’d have to go into each broadcast to check their settings.
Now you can access:
a breakdown of all your broadcasts and their details in a single report, or access additional details via a drill through
their run history (default date filters are applied to reports)
advanced broadcast results by individual intended recipient
delivery rule and filter settings across broadcasts
broadcast modification history
Accessing Analytics Tools
You can access the Broadcast reports in the following ways:
the Broadcasts subtab on the Welcome default dashboard.
You can also access Broadcast reports, and other analytics tools (once built):
Browse to the Analytics Tools folder under Acendre Analytics