4.1 eRecruit Job, Requisition and Application Data
4.1.1 Application Details
Field Name | Field Description |
ApplicationID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this application. |
Application Applied On | The date and time when this application was commenced by the candidate. |
Application Edited On | The date and time when this application was last edited by the candidate. |
Application Submitted On | The date and time when this application was submitted by the candidate. If the application has not been submitted this field is blank. |
Application Is Complete | Identifies if the candidate has completed and submitted this application. |
Application Is Withdrawn | Identifies if the candidate has withdrawn this application. |
Application Status | The current overall status of this application. |
Application Step Drop Out | The furthest step of the application form for this application that has been completed by the candidate. |
Current APM Step Last Edited | The date and time when the current assessment step of this application was last edited. |
Current APM Step Name | The name of the current step this application is at in the assessment process. |
Current APM Step Status | The status of the current step this application is at in the assessment process. |
Group Description | The description of the application group this application is currently in. |
Group Label | The name of the current application group of this application. |
IsPaperApplication | Identifies how this application was created and submitted. |
4.1.2 Application Sourcing
Field Name | Field Description |
Audience Code | The abbreviated name of the candidate portal audience that was used to submit this application. |
Audience Name | The full name of the candidate portal audience that was used to submit this application. |
Audience Description | The description of the candidate portal audience that was used to submit this application. |
Job Ad Reference | The reference number of the advertisement for this application's job board posting. |
Job Board Name | The name of the job board on which the advertisement for this application's job was posted. |
Source Type Name | The source from which this application was received. |
Vendor Name | The name of the vendor organisation (e.g. recruitment agent) that submitted the application. |
Vendor Branch Name | The name of the vendor organisation branch that submitted the application. |
4.1.3 Candidate
Field Name | Field Description |
UserID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies candidate who made this application. |
Candidate ID | The identification number of the candidate who made this application. |
Title | The title of the candidate who made this application. |
First Name | The first / given name of the candidate who made this application. |
Middle Name | The middle name of the candidate who made this application. |
Last Name | The last / family name of the candidate who made this application. |
Email Address | The email address of the candidate who made this application. |
User Status | The status of the candidate's eRecruit account. |
User Language | The user interface language entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application. |
User Region | The region entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application. |
User Timezone Label | The description of the time zone entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application. |
User Timezone Name | The name of the time zone entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application. |
4.1.4 Flags
Field Name | Field Description |
IsGlobal | Identifies the scope of the flag attached to this job. |
FlagDescription | The content of the flag attached to this job. |
Title | The title of the user who created this flag. |
MiddleName | The middle name of the user who created this flag attached to this job. |
FirstName | The first / given name of the user who created this flag attached to this job. |
LastName | The last / family name of the user who created this flag attached to this job. |
The full name of the user who created this flag attached to this job. | |
UserGroup | The eRecruit user group of the user who created this flag attached to this job. |
4.1.5 Job Audience Types (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
Audience Code | The abbreviated name of a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job. |
Audience Name | The full name of a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job. |
Audience Description | The description of a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job. |
Job Audience Close Date | The close date and time for a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job. |
Job Audience Open Date | The open date and time for a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job. |
Timezone Name | The name of the time zone associated with the open and closes for a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job. |
4.1.6 Job Categories (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
JobCategoryName | The name of a category this job was advertised under on the candidate portal. |
JobCategoryDescription | The description of a category this job was advertised under on the candidate portal. |
4.1.7 Job Creator
Field Name | Field Description |
UserID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies the creator of this job. |
Title | The title of the creator of this job. |
First Name | The first / given name of the creator of this job. |
Middle Name | The middle name of the creator of this job. |
Last Name | The last / family name of the creator of this job. |
Email Address | The email address of the creator of this job. |
User Group | The eRecruit user group of the creator of this job. |
User Language | The user interface language entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application. |
4.1.8 Jobs and Requisitions
Field Name | Field Description |
JobID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this job. |
Job Reference No | The reference number of this job / requisition. |
Job Name | The name of this job / requisition. |
Job Highlight 1 | The first highlight entered on the job details for this job / requisition. |
Job Highlight 2 | The second highlight entered on the job details for this job / requisition. |
Job Highlight 3 | The third highlight entered on the job details for this job / requisition. |
Job Archive Date | The date and time when this job / requisition was archived. If the job / requisition is not archived this field will be blank. |
Job Created On | The date and time when this job / requisition was created. |
Job Edited On | The date and time when the details of this job / requisition were last edited. |
Job Close Date | The date and time this job was last displayed to any candidate portal audience. This field will be blank if this job has not been posted to any candidate portal audience. |
Job Open Date | The date and time this job was first displayed to any candidate portal audience. This field will be blank if this job has not been posted to any candidate portal audience. |
Current Workflow Step | The name of the current workflow step for this job / requisition. |
Job Owner (Username) | The eRecruit user name of the owner of the of this job that is entered on the job details form. |
Job Status | The current status of this application. |
Job Keywords | The information entered in the job keyword question on the job details form for this job. |
Job Overview | The information entered in the job overview question on the job details form for this job. |
TimeToArchiveinDays | The duration in days between the job creation date and the job archive date. |
# of Complete Applicants | The number of complete applications received for this job. |
# of Incomplete Applicants | The number of incomplete applications received for this job. |
# of Submitted Applicants | The number of submitted applications received for this job. |
# of Withdrawn Applicants | The number of withdrawn applications received for this job. |
JobsRequisition | Identifies if this job is a requisition or if it has been converted a job. |
JobsTemplate | Identifies if this job is job or a job template. |
4.1.9 Notes (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
Subject | The subject line of this application note. |
Content | The contents of this application note. |
Created By | The full name of the creator of this application note. |
CreatedOn | The date and time when this application note was created. |
4.1.10 Vendors
Field Name | Field Description |
UserID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
MiddleName | The middle name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
Title | The title of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
FirstName | The first / given name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
LastName | The last / family name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
The email address of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. | |
Username | The eRecruit user name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchCountry | The country of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchFax | The fax number of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchName | The name of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchPhone | The phone number of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchPostCode | The post code of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchState | The state of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchStreet | The street of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorBranchSuburb | The suburb of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
VendorCode | The abbreviated name of the organisation of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
vendorName | The full name of the organisation of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
UserStatus | The registration status of the eRecruit account of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. |
4.2 eRecruit Process Step Data
4.2.1 Process
Field Name | Field Description |
Template First Created | The date and time when this process commenced. The start condition depends on the process type: |
Template Last Edited | The date and time when any step in this process was last edited. |
Template Creation - Last Action (Minutes) | The duration, in minutes, between the creation of the process (e.g. create a job from a template) and the last time ANY (i.e not just the furthest) step in the process was actioned. An action could be editing a requisition form or an assessment form, or pushing an application through the process. |
Template First Action - Last Action (Minutes) | The duration, in minutes, between the first action in a process (e.g. the first application is received) and the last time ANY (i.e not just the furthest) action was performed on ANY step in the process. An action could be editing a requisition form or an assessment form, or pushing an application through the process. |
REQ Process Start - Finish (Minutes) | The duration, in minutes, it took for the requisition process to complete. |
APM Process Start - Finish (Minutes) | The duration, in minutes, it took for the assessment process to complete. |
Entire Process Start - Finish (Minutes) | The duration, in calendar days, of the complete workflow process for this job. |
REQ Completion (%) | The duration of the requisition process epxressed as a percentage of the duration of the complete workflow. |
JCW Completion (%) | The duration of the job creation wizard epxressed as a percentage of the duration of the complete workflow. |
APM Completion (%) | The duration of the assessment process epxressed as a percentage of the duration of the complete workflow. |
JCW Process Start - Finish (Minutes) | The duration, in minutes, it took for the job creation wizard to complete. |
Process Step First Created | The date and time when this process step commenced. The start condition depends on the process type: |
Process Step Last Edited | The date and time when this step in this process was lasted edited. |
Process Step Time Taken (Minutes) | The duration, in minutes, between the first action in a step (e.g. the first application entering the step) and the last time that step was actioned. An action could be editing a requisition or assessment form, or changing the step status. |
# of Applicants Complete | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "Complete" for this step. |
# of Applicants in Progress | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "In Progress" at this step. |
# of Applicants Not Started | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "Not Started" at this step. |
# of Applicants On Hold | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "On Hold" at this step. |
# of Applicants Pending | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "Pending" at this step. |
# of Applicants Successful | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "Successful" at this step. |
# of Applicants Unsuccessful | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "Unsuccessful" at this step. |
# of Applicants Withdrawn | The number of complete and submitted applications for this job that have an assessment status of "Withdrawn" at this step. |
Process Created On | The date and time when this process was first created. |
Process is Active | Identifies if this process is currently active and available for use or inactive and not available for use. |
Process is Template | Identifies if this is a process template or a process derived from a process template. |
Process Name | The user entered name of the process template. |
Step Auto Complete | Identifies if this process step completes automatically or requires user intervention to be completed. |
Process Step ID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this process step. |
Process Step is Template | Identifies if this is a process step template or a process step derived from a process step template. |
Process Step Mandatory | Identifies if the completion of this step is mandatory or optional in the process |
Process Step Name | The user entered name of the process step. |
Process Step Number | The overall sequential number for this step in the process type for this job. |
Last Process Step Number | The maximum value of the field "Process Step Number" for a given job. |
Overall Workflow Step Number | The overall sequential number for this step in the workflow for this job. This number sequence spans all process types used in the workflow. |
Last Overall Process Step Number | The maximum value of the field "Overall Workflow Step Number" for a given job. |
Process Type Description | The type of process within the overall workflow. |
Step Created: | |
Step Edited: | |
Step Status | The status of this process step for this job. |
Creation to Last Modified (Minutes) | |
WorkflowID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this overall workflow. |
ProcessID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this process. |
4.2.2 Process Step Activity (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
First Name | The first / given name of the user assigned to this process step. |
Last Name | The last / family name of the user assigned to this process step. |
The email address of the user assigned to this process step. | |
User Group | The eRecruit user group of the user assigned to this process step. |
Username | The eRecruit user name of the user assigned to this process step. |
User Group is Vendor | Identifies if the user assigned to this process step is internal to the organisation or an external vendor. |
Vendor Branch Name | The name of the branch of the vendor user assigned to this process step. |
Date Task Last Edited |
4.2.3 Process Step Permissions (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
UserRegion | The region entered in the user record of the user with permission to complete this process step. |
Permission Type | Identifies the if the permission applied to this process step is allocated to a user or group. |
Permission Target | |
User Group Name | The name of the group with permission to complete to this process step. |
User Group Description | The decription of the group with permission to complete to this process step. |
User Group Status | Identifies the status in eRecruit of the group with permission to complete this process step. |
User Group is Vendor | Identifies if the group with permission to this process step is / are internal to the organisation or an external vendor. |
Vendor Branch Name | The name of the branch of the vendor group with permission to complete this process step. |
Title | The title of the user with permission to complete this process step. |
Middle Name | The first / given name of the user with permission to complete this process step. |
First Name | The middle name of the user with permission to complete this process step. |
Last Name | The last / family name of the user with permission to complete this process step. |
The email address of the user(s) with permission to complete this process step. | |
Username | The eRecruit user name of the user with permission to complete this process step. |
User Expiry Date | |
User Status | Identifies the status in eRecruit of the user with permission to complete this process step. |
UserGroup | The name of the group that the user with permission to complete to this process step belongs to. |
User Group is Vendor | The name of the branch of the vendor group with permission to complete this process step. |
Vendor Branch Name | |
User Timezone Label | |
User Timezone Name |
4.3 eRecruit Activity Data
Field Name | Field Description |
Activity | Activities define a series of interviews. An activity can span over several dates, for example, a series of graduate interviews being covered over 5 days. The activity would represent the overall 5 days of interviews. |
Activity Block | Activity Blocks define the dates you can schedule the interview bookings for that particular activity. Using a graduate example, the activity would represent the overall 5 days of interviews and the block would define the individual days. |
Activity Block Status | Format: |
Activity Block Type | The activity type defines the specific interview or activity that you will be inviting your applicatants to. |
Activity Block Venue | The Activity Block Venue is the location of the interview or activity. |
Slot Start Date & Time | This is the start date and time of the slot. |
Slot End Date & Time | This is the end date and time of the slot. |
Duration (Minutes) | This is the duration of the activity slot. |
4.4 eRecruit Application Assessment History Data
Process (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
ProcessStepID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies the step in the Application Process this application passed through. |
CurrentProcessStepID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies the step in the Application Process this application is currently at. If the process is complete this is the unique identifier of the final step in the process. |
ProcessID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies the Application Process this application is currently in. |
ProcessName | The user entered name of the Application Process template. |
ProcessStepExecutionStatusValue | The status of this process step for this job. |
ProcessStepName | The user entered name of the Application Process step this application passed through. |
ProcessStepNumber | The overall sequential number for this step in the Application Process this application passed through. |
ProcessStepScore | The score achieved by the application at this process step. The score achieved is based on rules defined for the step or from the score obtained from an integrated test provider. |
ProcessStepStartTime | The date and time when this Application Process step commenced. |
The date and time when this Application Process step commenced. | |
ProcessStepDurationDays | |
ProcessStepDurationSeconds | |
ProcessStepEndTime | The date and time when this Application Process step is complete. |
ProcessStepExecCreatedOn | The date and time when this Application Process steps was created from a template. |
ProcessStepExecEditedOn | The date and time when this Application Process step was last actioned. An action could be editing a assessment form, or changing the step status. |
ApplicationUpdateTimestamp | The date and time when the application process step reporting data was refreshed from the source system. |
4.5 eRecruit Application Status History Data
Application Status History
Field Name | Field Description |
ApplicationStatus | The status of the application. |
StatusUpdatedOn | The date and time when the application status was updated. |
4.6 eRecruit Back-end User Activity Data
User Activity (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
LattestDateTaskTargetWasWorkedOn | The date and time when the task was last worked on. |
TaskDescription | |
taskID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this task. |
TaskName | |
TaskTarget | |
TaskTargetKey | Available Values: |
TaskTargetStatusValue | Available Values: |
4.7 eRecruit Email Data
Emails (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
EmailContent | The text that was included in the body of the e-mail |
EmailCopiedFrom | |
EmailCreatedOn | The date and time when this email was xxxx. |
EmailEditedOn | The date and time when this email was xxxx. |
EmailIsActive | yes/no |
EmailIsDefaultTemplate | Identifies if this is the default email template. |
EmailIsTemplate | Identifies if this is an email or email template. |
EmailLabel | Values include: |
EmailSenderEmail | The email address of the sender of the e-mail. |
EmailSignature | The email signature that was included in the email that was sent. |
EmailSubject | The subject text included in the email that was sent. |
EmailTemplateName | The name of the template the email was created from. |
RecipientEmail | The email address of the recipient of the e-mail. |
SentOn | The date and time when this email was sent. |
4.8 eRecruit Job Permission Data
Job Permissions
Field Name | Field Description |
AudienceName | |
AudienceTypeName | |
JobName | The name of this job. |
JobPermissionTypeDescription | Indicates whether the entry relates to permissions assigned to a job or a job template. Available Values: * Job * Job Template |
PermissionOwner | Indicates whether the entry relates to permissions assigned to a user or user group. Available Values: * User * User-group |
4.9 eRecruit Job Status Data
Job Status History
Field Name | Field Description |
EventOriginName | The origin of the event that triggered the job status update. |
EventTypeName | The event type that triggered the job status update. |
LogCreatedOn | The date and time when the job status was updated. |
minutesSinceFirstStatusUpdate | |
minutesSinceLastStatusUpdate | |
NewStatus | The status of the job. |
OldStatus | |
StatusUpdateNumber | The status update order for a given job. |
4.10 eRecruit Job-ad Data
Job Ads
Field Name | Field Description |
BroadStatus | The type of action that was made against the job ad. |
CreatedOn | The date and time when the job ad was created. |
JobAdFirstLastDateTime | The date and time when the job ad was last posted to the job board. |
JobAdFirstSentDateTime | The date and time when the job ad was first posted to the job board. |
JobAdReference | The reference number of this job ad. |
JobAdStatus | The status of this job ad. |
JobBoardName | The name of the job board to which the job ad was posted. |
LastModifiedByUserID | |
LastModifiedOn | The date and time when the job ad was last modified. |
4.11 eRecruit Job-alert Data
Job Alert
Field Name | Field Description |
AverageNumberOfJobsPerMatch | The average number of jobs that are returned with each match to the criteria set in the job alert. |
CreatedOn | The date and time when this job alert was created. |
FirstMatch | The date and time when the first match was found after the job alert was created. |
IsActive | This field indicates whether or not the job alert profile is currently active. |
JobAlertProfileAudience | The audience that was used to set up the job alert profile. |
JobAlertProfileFrequencyValue | The current frequency that the user has elected to receive job alert e-mails. |
LatestMatch | The date and time when a match was last found for this job alert. |
NumberOfApplicationsLinkedToJobAlerts | The total number of applications that this candidate has made to jobs that have been included in job alerts. |
TotalNumberOfJobsMatched | The total number of jobs that have been matched for this job alert profile. |
TotalNumberOfTimesMatched | The total number of job alert e-mails that have been sent for this job alert profile. |
4.12 eRecruit Module and Function Permission Data
Functions and Permissions
Field Name | Field Description |
FunctionDescription | Provides a description of the function for which the permissions are assigned. |
FunctionName | The name of the function for which the permissions are assigned. |
ModuleName | The name of the module for which the permissions are assigned. |
PermissionOwner | Indicates whether the entry relates to permissions assigned to a user or user group. |
PermissionType | Indicates whether the entry relates to permissions for a function or module. |
4.13 eRecruit Process Template Copy Data
Process (!)
Field Name | Field Description |
JobOrProcessName | The name of the job or process that was copied. |
JobOrProcessType | Identifies the type of job or process that was copied. |
LastDateTimeCopied | The date and time this job or process was last copied. |
NumberOfTimeCopied | The number of times that this job or process has been copied. |
4.14 eRecruit SMS Data
Field Name | Field Description |
CreatedByUserFullName | The full name off the user who created this SMS message. |
MessageContent | The content that was included in the SMS message. |
MessageCreatedOn | The date and time when the SMS message was created. |
MessageEditedOn | The date and time when the SMS message was last edited. |
MessageLength | The number of characters that were included in the SMS message. |
MessageSentOn | The date and time when the SMS message was sent. |
MessageStatus | The status of this SMS Message. |
NumberOfMessagesSent | The number of SMS messages required to send the full message. |
RecipientFullName | The full name of the recipient of this SMS message. |
RecipientMobileNumber | The mobile number of the recipient of this SMS message. |
4.15 eRecruit User Role Data
Field Name | Field Description |
RoleName | The name of the role that has been assigned to the user. |
4.16 eRecruit User Role Permission Data
Functions and Permissions
Field Name | Field Description |
PermissionOwner | Indicates whether the entry relates to permissions assigned to a user or user group. |
RoleName | The name of the role that has been assigned to the user or user group. |
4.17 eRecruit Talent Search Data
User Searches
Field Name | Field Description |
CreatedOn | The date and time when the talent search was created. |
IsPublic | Identifies whether the search is set as public. A public search is able to be used by all users with access to the talent warehouse. |
IsTemplate | Identifies whether the result is a talent search template, or search result. |
LastRun | The date and time when this talent search was last run. |
SearchHits | The number of candidates that the search retrieved. |
SearchString | The parameters that were used to run the search. |
4.18 eRecruit Config Change Data
Configuration Log
Field Name | Field Description |
ActionExtendedInformation | |
ActionName | The name of the action that was recorded. |
ConfigurationChangeTargetType | The target type of the configuration change. |
ConfigurationLogActionName | The name of the action that the configuration change is associated with. |
ConfigurationLogCreatedOn | The date and time when the configuration log entry was created. |
CriteriaName | |
JobName | The name of this job / requisition to which the action was recorded against. |
JobReferenceNo | The reference number of this job / requisition to which the action was recorded against. |
RuleName |
4.19 eRecruit Merge Document Data
Merge Document Data
Field Name | Field Description |
Form Type | The global question use (form type) that is set for this specific global question. |
Form Type Abrv. | The global question use (form type abbreviation) that is set for this specific global question. |
Global Question ID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this global question |
Global Question Label | The global question text that is set for this specific global question. |
Global Question Reference | The global question reference that is set for this specific global question. |
4.20 eRecruit Form Configuration Data
Form and GQ
Field Name | Field Description |
AnswerFormat | The question type of this global question. |
FormID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this form. |
FormName | The name of the form. |
FormTypeLabel | Available Values: |
GlobalQuestionID | The internal system code that uniquely identifies this global question |
jobreferenceNo | The name of the job template. |
ProcessName | The name of the process template. |
ProcessStepName | The name of the process template step. |
QuestionIndex | The order in which this question appears on a form. |
QuestionLabel | The question text assigned to this global question. |
QuestionReference | The question reference of this global question. |
QuestionTypeLabel | Available Values: |
SectionHeading | |
SectionIndex | |
StepIndex | The step number of the given step. |
StepTitle | The name of the step. |