How do the 5 minute refreshes work? The data refresh only includes changes made to your data, rather than overwriting all of your data each refresh.
Is it really every 5 minutes? It depends on how much data you have. If you don’t have much, it will likely be 5 or close to 5 minutes. If you have a lot, it might take a little bit longer sometimes, depending on how many changes have occurred.
Can I migrate my old reports and other configuration? Unfortunately not, as the database that drives them has been completely redesigned. Take the opportunity to assess your reports and update the reports you need using the simplified views and updated fields.
What happens to my old reports and other configuration? If you choose the option to access both the old and new analytics, you will still have read-only access to your reports. At some stage you’ll need to rebuild those you need to keep and set up any broadcasts so that we can turn off the old broadcasts and, ultimately, the Analytics Classic module itself.
Are all my global questions reportable now? No, you still need to specify which global questions you want to report on and in which context. Those that were already reportable will be enabled for reporting in the new analytics (excluding group and other special custom questions).
Do my global questions get added to my views automatically now? Unfortunately not, as this cannot (yet) be automated, though we did seriously look at it. The good news is that they will only have to be added to one view, and will be available for Acendre Support to do their thing in a much shorter space of time.