Acendre Analytics
Everything you need to know about the new Acendre Analytics module and the redesigned data warehouse (DWH).
What is Acendre Analytics?
It’s a new Analytics module for Recruit. Completely fresh. We have:
1. Redesigned the database holding Recruit data - the new Data Warehouse (DWH). New structure, better performance, faster refreshes. | 2. Simplified the way reports are built. Simpler views, better fields and descriptions, new report templates and instructions. |
Acendre Analytics contains the tools for building simple reports, through to advanced templates and solutions, supported by access to a wide range of system data.
Getting Started
You’ve come to the right place! To get started in Acendre Analytics, we recommend you:
Read this page. Which is why you’re probably here. Maybe your Client Success Manager sent you the link? They do work in mysterious ways.
Look at Defining Your Placeholder Fields. This will help you hit the ground running with your reports, any rebuilds and use of templates.
Speaking of templates, check out Which Template Do I Use?. There are simple and advanced templates that are both ready to use, or can provide guidance or inspiration for your own custom build. Plus there are a bunch of system templates that you can use from day one.
Need something more bespoke or advanced? Check out our Analytics Solutions.
More information
Key Features
Data refreshes in regular intervals, rather than overnight
A new single, simplified custom view for most reporting needs
New custom report templates to get you started
Redesigned system report templates (replacing standard reports) that you can copy and customise
No limit on the number of reportable custom global questions in each context (job, application etc)
Additional Features
New Fields | New Features |
See There's A Field For That for full details. |
A Single, Simplified Custom View
In the old Analytics Classic you had to choose from three main views for your reporting needs, and even more for specific requirements like job or application status history.
Imagine if you could combine all of those needs into a single view?
Say hello to your simplified custom view: View 1.0 Jobs, Application and Assessment.
It combines:
requisition/job, job process and job status history data
application, assessment process and assessment history data
all of your reportable job, application and global assessment custom global questions
key system and placeholder metrics
additional fields like specific date formats, scheduler activity data, and various permissions.
Folders and fields are grouped by importance, from top level context down to the detail.
You’ll also get two other custom views out of the box (for candidate and user data), and users with Corporate Report Writer access can also use advanced system views with additional system data.
See Simplified Custom Views for more information.
Custom, EXEC and System Templates
Now you won’t have to start from scratch every time you want to build a report.
Custom Templates | Custom templates are available out of the box and built on your custom view 1.0. Some even come with built in chart ideas and drill-throughs to other templates setup. See Your Metrics and Templates for more information. |
EXEC Templates | EXEC and EXEC+ templates are advanced custom templates that give you executive-level reporting on key metrics and data. These will need customisation to your organisation’s requirements, processes and definitions but will save you a significant amount of time in designing and configuring your own. They replace the previous PACE templates. These templates will need to be copied or imported into your system based on your requirements. Once you have access to Acendre Analytics, speak to your Client Success Manager about a demo and further details. See Simple EXEC and EXEC+ Templates for more information. |
System Templates | System templates, using the new system views, are available to users with Corporate Report Writer access. They are primarily designed for you to get insights into your system data. You can use the templates as they are on the System Templates dashboard and drill through to more detail, including a comprehensive Job and Apps template suite covering a wide range of relevant data, and a new suite of Scheduler reports. See something you like but need to customise it, or want to explore how that formatting, chart or drill through is configured? Go for it. Make a copy and make it your own. See System Templates and Tools for more information. |
How Do I Get It?
Speak to your Client Success Manager about setting up the Acendre Analytics module for your organisation. You have a choice of two approaches:
Acendre Analytics only | I don’t have any existing reports/I don’t need to keep existing reports and want to start afresh. Great. We can turn on the new analytics and turn off the old analytics ('Analytics Classic'). You’ll access it from the same tab in your system. |
Both Analytics Classic and Acendre Analytics | I have existing reports (and broadcasts) that I need to set up again. Also great. We can turn on the new analytics on a new ‘Acendre Analytics’ tab and you can access that and the Analytics Classic that you already have. This ‘dual-tab’ approach will give you time to update your reports, broadcasts and any other content in the new Acendre Analytics whilst referencing content in Analytics Classic. Note that there will be an end date to this dual-tab approach. |
We’ll need some info from you to get started, particularly which user group (or users) need the initial access to Acendre Analytics so that you can start setting up your reports.
We may need to clarify details at a later stage, such as definitions for your placeholder fields, or confirming which custom GQs you’d like added to your custom views.
Accessing Your Old Reports
If you have existing reports that you still need to use, you will be able to access and run them in read-only mode. You will still be able to update broadcasts and other settings.
You will, however, need to determine which of these reports and broadcasts need to be kept in the long term and rebuild them in the new Acendre Analytics. They cannot be migrated across because the data, tables and views have been redesigned. This is a really good opportunity for you to reassess your reporting needs, to find better ways to configure reports and broadcasts and to clean out (as in leave behind) any content that is now no longer needed.
Analytics Classic - end of life
Once you have had a reasonable amount of time to rebuild reports and set up your new broadcasts, there will be an end date to your access to the old analytics. When this occurs we will clearly communicate this to you so that you have advanced warning.
If you need assistance with the rebuild process, speak to your Client Success Manager.
New Analytics, New Design
The new Acendre Analytics module has been redesigned to make it better, faster and easier to use.
You’ll find new ways to configure your reports, smarter ways to set up your broadcasts, and have the chance to reconsider how you organise and permission your content folders.
Adding Your Custom Global Questions
You will have access to a new tab when you manage a global question - Acendre Analytics Report Options. This is where you will enable global questions for reporting in the new analytics. On setup, any questions enabled for reporting in Analytics Classic (under ‘Report Options’) will be automatically enabled for Acendre Analytics in the same context(s).
In a perfect world, the process for adding questions to your view(s) would be automated when you save these settings. Unfortunately, you will still need to contact support to request that they add the now-enabled questions to your custom view(s).
The good news is that:
the questions will become available to add to your view with the next refresh - as in, within a few minutes rather than having to wait overnight
you will only have to have them added to one custom view
you can now enable group questions for reporting in the same process as other question types.
How do the regular refreshes work? The data refresh only includes changes made to your data, rather than overwriting all of your data each refresh.
How often does it refresh? It depends on how much data you have and how many changes have occurred, but refreshes will usually occur multiple times a day. The more data and changes, the longer it will take to refresh the new/updated data. Speak to your Client Success Manager if you have any questions on your refresh times.
Can I migrate my old reports and other configuration? Unfortunately not, as the database that drives them has been completely redesigned. Take the opportunity to assess your reports and update the reports you need using the simplified views and updated fields.
What happens to my old reports and other configuration? If you choose the option to access both the old and new analytics, you will still have read-only access to your reports. At some stage you’ll need to rebuild those you need to keep and set up any broadcasts so that we can turn off the old broadcasts and, ultimately, the Analytics Classic module itself.
Are all my global questions reportable now? No, you still need to specify which global questions you want to report on and in which context. Those that were already reportable will be enabled for reporting in the new analytics (excluding group and other special custom questions).
Do my global questions get added to my views automatically now? Unfortunately not, as this cannot (yet) be automated, though we did seriously look at it. The good news is that they will only have to be added to one view, and will be available for Acendre Support to do their thing in a much shorter space of time.