Pre-Defined Formula
A number of functions are built in that you can use with date, time or metric fields. Choose Pre-Defined for the Formula Type to explore what's available.
For any selection, you'll need to:
1) Define the field type as Dimension or Metric
2) Define the value(s) (fields in the view) that the function needs to refer to.
3) Give your field a name (if you didn't at the start) and save.
Pre-Defined Formula Examples
Calendar Days Between
Use this to calculate the calendar days between two dates captured in the system, like job created and job archived, or another date you record against a custom global question on a form.
Working Days Between
Use this to calculate the business days between two dates captured in the system, like job created and job archived, or another date you record against a custom global question on a form.
Custom Formula
To create your own formula, choose Simple as the Formula Type.
You'll now see a formula builder screen like this.
Custom Formula Examples
Count of Candidate Group e.g. Gender, Diversity
COUNTDISTINCT ( CASE WHEN Gender = 'Female' THEN ApplicationID END )