How to keep the job open on the candidate portal open greater than 30 days but only advertise once to Seek?
One Seek ad duration is 30 days. You may only want to be charged for one Seek ad but have your external job ad on your website opened longer. This can be done by creating a new job audience called Seek. Contact the Acendre Support team to create a new job audience. You can then link your Seek ad to the Seek audience with the duration of 30 days only.
How to remove a Seek ad?
Navigate to the Job via the Jobs tab.
Click on the Job Reference to access the Job Card.
Hover over the Sourcing tab and click Job Ads.
You can close the job ad by clicking Expire.
How to close my add on the candidate portal and Seek?
Go to the job card.
Hover over the Sourcing tab and click Candidate Portal Configuration.
Change the close date and time to now.
Once the job audience is closed the Seek ad will expire.