Exporting and Printing Reports
Exporting Reports
Once you run a report, you can to export it into various formats, including PDF, Excel and MS Word.
To export, click the export icon in the menu bar at the top of the report.
A drop down menu will appear giving you the ability to export into several file formats.
Exporting to Excel
Click the Export to XLSX link. You can either:
Keep numbers in their current format e.g. retain any prefixes, suffixes, or thousand separators in your export by choose Keep Formatting. Excel will treat any numbers as text.
To re-apply any formatting to values within the XLSX file and keep the values in numeric format, turn Keep Formatting off. Excel will treat these values as numbers.
Click Export to export using the chosen settings.
Exporting to PDF
Click the Export to PDF link. You can then choose:
Page size
Orientation (Portrait or Landscape)
Use default layout values.
If exporting a report that uses sections and/or co-displays (more than one report), it is recommended that you do not use default layout values. Deselect this and enable both page break options. This ensures section or report headings appear with their respective content.
Click Export to export using the chosen settings.
Exporting to CSV
Click the Export to CSV link. You can then choose whether to use or change:
escape quotes
quote commas
include headings
character set.
Unless you have specific CSV requirements, it is recommended that you leave these settings as is.Click Export to export using the chosen settings.
Exporting to DOCX or Text
Click the Export to DOCX or Export to Text link.
You can then choose to open the file using your default program for that file type or to save the file. (Exact behaviour may depend on your browser settings.)
Printing Reports
You can print reports once they have been generated.
To print a report, click the export icon in the menu bar at the top of the report.
This will open up a pop up window, showing a print preview screen of the report.
To print this screen, click the Print link at the top left hand side of the screen and follow the printer prompts.
When exporting to PDF, try turning off use default layout values. You'll have more control over how sections and co-display reports behave across page breaks.