Release 28.04.2015

Release 28.04.2015

Release Timing

This release will commence on Tuesday 28th April from 9pm (AEST).

You may experience downtime for up to two minutes. Whilst this downtime is minimal, we recommend that wherever possible, any large or critical system tasks be completed before close of business on the day of a deployment or commenced the day after. If you have any further queries, please contact your Support Team on 1800 642 638.

Deployment Walkthrough Webinar

We will be running a walkthrough webinar of the features included in this deployment. During this webinar, we will demonstrate where the updates have been made and how it changes the system. We will also discuss the benefits that you will see from the updates.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 28th April, at 12pm (AEST).

For more details and to RSVP, log in to the NGA.NET User Community - http://www.community.nga.net/events

To join the webinar, please use the details below:

Webinar address: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/270721117

Audio: Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone using the details below.

Australia: +61 2 9087 3601

Australia (toll-free): 1 800 193 385

New Zealand (toll-free): 0 800 47 0011

New Zealand: +64 (0) 9 280 6302

Access Code: 270-721-117

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting


Controlling access to Standard Reports within the Talent Analytics module

What is it? Super Users / System Administrators will now be able to specify which users can access the set of Standard Reports in the Talent Analytics module. Benefit: Provides enhanced control over the accessibility of information contained within the system

Benefit: Provides enhanced control over the accessibility of information contained within the system

Activity Scheduler enhancements

What is it? Numerous usability enhancements have been made to the Activity Scheduler:

 Ability to assign an interviewer to an Activity Block without having to save the Activity Block first

 Providing visibility of the Add Break functionality when adding a new Time Segment

 Providing clarity around selecting either an Activity OR Activity block (not both) when creating a Ticket

 Renaming and reordering of fields within the Activity Block screen

 Updating of terminology with the Activity Scheduler

 Venue Capacity is no longer mandatory when creating an Activity Venue

 Removing clutter on the Activities list and providing filter functionality

 Providing pagination and column selection to all tabs within the Scheduler

Benefit: Improves the usability of the Activity Scheduler and provides further consistency throughout the module

Modal (pop-up) window enhancements

What is it? Where modal (pop-up) windows appear throughout the system, Action buttons will always be visible.

Benefit: Where modal windows are too long to fit on a page, users will now be able to easily access the Action buttons without having to scroll

Controlling access to Standard Reports within the Talent Analytics module

To allow users to control access to the standard reports, a new group called "eR Standard Report Viewers" has been created in all client systems (in the Talent Analytics Module). This group will be used to control access to the standard reports.

By default, the group includes all reporting users. As such, you will not notice any changes to the visibility of the standard reports until modifications are made.

To set up restricted access to the standard reports, a dedicated document has been created to guide you through the process: Talent Analytics User Guide: Configuring Access to Standard Reports. This user guide can be located on the User Community under eRecruit User Guides.

Activity Scheduler enhancements

Following recent work to the Activity Scheduler, we have continued to make enhancements to this area of the system, focusing on improved usability and consistency.

Ability to assign an interviewer to an Activity Block without having to save the Activity Block first

The Interviewer field will now appear from the outset when creating an Activity Block, eliminating the need to save first and then edit to assign an interviewer.

Providing visibility of the Add Break functionality when adding a new Time Segment

The ‘Add Break’ option will now appear from the outset when creating a Time Segment, making this functionality clearly visible to users.

Providing clarity around selecting either an Activity OR Activity block (not both) when creating a Ticket

Confusion around whether one or both options should be selected when creating a Ticket has been eliminated. Should a user attempt to select a both options, the original selection will revert back to ‘None’.

Renaming and reordering of fields within the Activity Block screen

Fields within the Activity Block screen have been repositioned into a more logical order and several fields have been renamed to provide clarity on the field’s purpose.

Updating of terminology with the Activity Scheduler

Terminology has been updated within Scheduler to ensure consistency and clarity throughout the module. For example scheduler components refer to ‘Activity’ rather than ‘Interview’. Please note: where customers have had terminology changed to suit business needs, this will remain unchanged.

Venue Capacity is no longer mandatory when creating an Activity Venue

Users are no longer required to enter in Capacity details when creating an Activity Venue.

Removing clutter on the Activities list and providing filter functionality

The Activity List often becomes lengthy and difficult to navigate, therefore a filter has been added allowing users to filter between Upcoming, Past or All Activities. By default, the filter will be sent to Upcoming Activities. When the filter is set to Upcoming, it will display any Activity with blocks that have either commenced but not yet been completed or that occur in the future. When the filter is set to Past, it will display any Activity that has all blocks with end dates occurring in the past or where all blocks are inactive.

Providing pagination and column selection to all tabs within the Scheduler

Pagination, column selection and Records per page will now be available on all tabs within the Scheduler, providing improved navigation and customization.

Modal (pop-up) window enhancements

Modal (pop-up) windows often appear throughout the system, and where these windows are too long to fit on a page, it becomes difficult for users to navigate to the Action buttons located at the bottom of the window.

In this deployment, modal windows have been enhanced so that Action buttons will always be visible in a panel at the bottom of the window regardless of any scrolling that is required.

Are you registered on our online User Community?

The User Community hosts updates about our product suite, release notes, user guides and upcoming events. It also allows you to engage with other users or post comments and feedback about our products.

Visit http://www.community.nga.net/ to register!

If you would like further information regarding any items within the release note, please contact the NGA.NET Support Team.

p. 1800 642 638

e. support@nga.net