6. Sections and Auto Charts

6. Sections and Auto Charts

6.1 Sections

Sections enable to break the report down by one or more fields into small, easy to read parts. As an example, you may want to divide a report of a list of applicants by the job they applied for.

  1. Drag the field(s) you want to section your report by into the Sections box.

    By default, your sections will appear as labels above the report table.

  2.  To change how the sections are formatted, click on Settings in the Sections box or click the sections icon in the top menu.

  3. Click on the section field you’d like to format. Here you can change a range of settings.
    • Display – section name, format, section style, and if labels are shown
    • Style - if set as a single or multiple page, whether the section name displays as a Body Title or a Table Header
    • Summary settings
    • Sort settings

    Experiment with these settings to see what works best for your report.

6.2 Auto Charts

You can generate an automatic chart based on the fields in your report. To set one up, click on Charts once you’ve completed the Data step.

  1. To build a simple autochart, drag the fields you’d like in the chart into the relevant section of the chart screen. You must add at least one field as the Horizontal Axis.

  2. Your autochart will change as you add fields in order to present your data in the best way possible.

    If you have a specific chart type in mind, click the arrow next to Auto Chart and change to Select Chart Type.

For more details on building charts, see Charts. For details on formatting them, see 3. Chart Formatting.


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