4. Advanced Tab Configuration

4. Advanced Tab Configuration

In this section

Button Widgets

Button widgets are an easy way to format a text box that encourages an action.

  1. Add a button design from the Widget > Button menu by dragging it onto the canvas.

2. Adjust the size and location, as well as format the button text, fill border and shadow in the Button Widget Properties pop-up box.

3. If required, assign a Click Event to the button.

  • For Go to Report, you’ll need to enter the Report ID for the desired report. To find this, use the Report List report in Acendre Analytics > Analytics Tools folder.

  • For Go to Sub Tab, enter the order number of the subtab you would like users to navigate to.

  • For Go to URL, enter the URL and you would generally specify for it to open in a new tab/window.



Blueprints allow you to quickly create a chart for your dashboard using a pre-determined design where you fill in the required fields.

Note: these are only available where canvas layout has been selected, and not column layouts.

  1. Select a Blueprint from the Blueprint menu by dragging it onto the canvas (or double click to place it at 0,0).

2. Choose whether you will create a simple or advanced report.

3a. Create Simple Report is applicable if you can use existing fields.

  • Update the chart name and description, and select your view and fields.

  • Once created, you can adjust the fields selected and add filters in the Chart Properties.

3b. Create Advanced Report gives you full access to the report builder, starting at the New Report screen, and places it on the dashboard once built.

  • Select your view (usually view 1.0)

  • Add the fields you need for your chart, plus any required filtering, in the Data screen.

  • Create your chart in the Charts screen. You may need to select the chart type you are after.

  • Activate your report and click Return to Dashboard in th bottom right of your screen.

Your chart will now be added to your dashboard.


If you specify that your dashboard is Private in the Save Dashboard menu, you will need to add users to the dashboard to give them access.

To add users, go to User Access. From here you can add users or analytics user groups and give them Read, Update or Delete access. These permissions are in addition to the user needing the relevant sub-folder where the dashboard has been saved.

If you have saved the dashboard as a Public dashboard, user permissions will be governed by those of the relevant sub-folder where the dashboard has been saved.

You can also access and update the security for dashboards you have access to by clicking the lock icon in the top right.



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