Release 10.12.2013

Release 10.12.2013

Release Timing

This release will commence on Tuesday 10th December from 9pm (AEDT).

During this time, you may experience downtime for up to two minutes. Whilst this downtime is minimal, we recommend that wherever possible, any large or critical system tasks be completed before close of business on the day of a deployment or commenced the day after.

If you have any further queries, please contact your Support Team on 1800 642 638.

Deployment Walkthrough Webinar

We are running a walkthrough webinar of the features included in this deployment. During this webinar, we will demonstrate where the updates have been made and how it changes the system. We will also discuss the benefits that you will see from the updates.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday, the 10th of December, at 12pm (AEDT).

For more details and to RSVP, log in to the NGA.NET User Community -


To join the webinar, please use the details below:

Webinar address: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/join/898896294

Audio: Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone using the details below.

Australia: +61 2 9087 3601/1 800 193 385 (toll free)

Access Code: 898-896-294


Back End Enhancements to the Vendor Module

What It Is: This month we will be releasing three enhancements to our Vendor Module to assist back end users to assign Vendors to jobs:

 Ability to use the Vendor Code to search for Vendors

 Ability to use the Vendor List Filter Form

 Ability to Select All in the Vendor Branch list

The Benefits: These enhancements will significantly reduce the time taken by users to find and assign the appropriate Vendors to jobs, and also easily allow all Vendor branches to be assigned to a job.

Candidate Card access for Vendors

What It Is: This enhancement allows Vendors to access the Candidate Card for candidates that they have applied to jobs and enter notes against that candidate.

The Benefits: Vendors can now enter comments/notes against a candidate and back end users will be able to see these notes against the candidate from the eRecruit system.

Please note: You may not wish to provide your vendors with access to the vendor candidate card; therefore as a default, this feature has not been activated. To activate this feature for your Vendors, please call or email NGA Support on 1800 642 638 or support@nga.net.

Back end Enhancements to the Vendor Module

Ability to use the Vendor Code to search for Vendors

When assigning Vendor Branches to a job, users will now be able to sort on the Vendor Code.

To see the Vendor Code column, on the Job Vendor List page, click on the Add Vendor Branch link:

To activate the Vendor Code column, click on the Select List Columns link, and then select the ‘Code:’ checkbox on the Set List Columns pop-up window, and click Submit:

You will now be able to sort on the Vendor Code column by clicking on the Code column header:

Ability to use the Vendor List Filter Form

To assist in searching for Vendor Branches, users can now use the Vendor List Filter Form. The filters available to use will be based on the global questions that have been set up on the Vendor Details Form.

Below is an example of a Vendor Details Form, and the global questions set up:

To use these global questions as filters on the Select Job Vendors page, click on the Show Search link:

Then click on the Add Filter link:

The list of global questions from the Vendor Details Form will be available to be selected as filters:

To add a question as a filter, click on the checkbox in the Select column, then click the ‘Add as filter questions’ button:

Back on the Select Job Vendors page, the questions selected will now be available to filter the Vendor Branch list:

The Vendor List Filter Form uses an ‘AND’ operator in the search query. i.e. Filter1 AND Filter2 AND Filter3. The example below illustrates how this works.

Selecting ‘Engineering/Oil/Mining’ in the Vendor Industries filter then clicking the ‘Filter’ button returns the following results:

Selecting ‘Graduate Candidates’ in the Vendor Services filter, then clicking the ‘Filter’ button further narrows the search result:

Finally, entering the Vendor Code of ‘AV123’ in the Vendor Code filter, then clicking the ‘Filter’ button again narrows the search result (note: Vendor Code filter is not case sensitive):

Ability to Select All in the Vendor Branch list

To assist in adding multiple Vendor Branches to a job there are 2 new checkboxes available - Select all on page and Select all in list. A third checkbox – Show selected Vendor Branches will filter the list to show only the selected Vendor Branches.

Select all on page:

Select all in list (Note: selecting all in list, will, by default also select all on page):

The third option - Show selected Vendor Branches only, is used when you have finished selecting your Vendor Branches and wish to see only those you have selected before adding them to a job.

So if we select 3 Vendor Braches on page 1 below:

Then skip to page 3 and select all on page:

Then select ‘Show selected Vendor Branches only’ the list will revert to 23 selections, which can be added to the job by clicking the ‘Save’ button:

Candidate Card access for Vendors

Please note: You may not wish to provide your vendors with access to the vendor candidate card; therefore as a default, this feature has not been activated. To activate this feature for your Vendors, please call or email NGA Support on 1800 642 638 or support@nga.net.

Vendors will now be able to access the candidate card for candidates that they have applied to jobs. Once activated, Vendors will be able to see the following Candidate Card options:

 View Application link

 View Resume Link

 Status (set to Read Only)

 Group (set to Read Only)

 New Email link

 New Note link

 Personal Details (as per current functionality, questions marked as Personal Details on the application form will be displayed)

 Manage Paper Application link (this is the same functionality available from the Manage Paper Application link in the candidate list)

 Notes Log (set to This Job Only)

The following options can also be enabled by our Development Team for a client on request, but will be turned off by default:

 Candidate Status Log (set to This Job Only)

 Email Log (set to This Job Only)

Viewing the Candidate Card as a Vendor

Once this feature is activated Vendors will be able to view the Candidate Card for candidates that they have applied to jobs.

To view candidates, log in, then click on the Jobs Tab, then click on the Candidate List icon:

The Vendor will see a list of candidates that they have applied to the job. To view the Candidate Card of one of these candidates, click on the Candidate ID link:

This will display the Candidate Card:

Adding a note to the Candidate Card

To add a note to the Candidate Card, click the ‘Note’ link:

Vendors can now enter a Note against the candidate, and also upload a file if required:

This Note is now viewable in the Notes Log for the Vendor, the details can be seen by clicking the ‘View’ link (Note: Vendors will only see Notes that they have entered against their candidates.

They will not see Notes entered against the same Candidate by back end users.):

Back end users can now also view any Notes entered by Vendors against their Candidates from the back end Candidate Card (Note: this will depend on the existing permissions and UDV configured against users):

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The User Community hosts updates about our product suite, release notes, user guides and upcoming events. It also allows you to engage with other users or post comments and feedback about our products.

Visit http://www.community.nga.net/ to register!

If you would like further information regarding any items within the release note, please contact the NGA.NET Support Team.

p. 1800 642 638

e. support@nga.net