Release 16.04.2013

Release 16.04.2013

Release Timing

This release will occur on Tuesday 16th April between 6.00pm and 8.00pm.

During this time, you may experience downtime for up to two minutes. Whilst this downtime is minimal, we recommend that wherever possible, any large or critical system tasks be completed before close of business on the day of a deployment or commenced the day after.

If you have any further queries, please contact your Support Team on 1800 642 638.

Deployment Walkthrough Teleconference

We are running a walkthrough teleconference of the features included in this deployment. The teleconference will take place on Friday 12th April at 2.00pm.

For more details and to RSVP, log in to the NGA.NET User Community -


To join the teleconference, please use the details below:

The Teleconference Number: 1800 500 485 or (03) 9211 0157

Passcode: 531611


Merge tags in Job Highlight fields

Introducing the ability to use merge fields in the Job Highlight fields of the Job Details form.

“Email User” rule action type for an approval step

Allowing users to quickly and easily email other eRecruit system users, in the approval process, that a change is required and giving details of the change.

Applied on date appearing in Task Candidate list

Allowing users to quickly and easily see the date the candidate applied in the task candidate list.

Changes to how inactive users appear in lists

Allowing users to quickly see if any users on a specific step are now inactive or deleted on the system.

Merge Tags in Job Highlight fields

Merge fields can currently be inserted in the Job Overview field in the Job Details form. In this release, we are extending the merge field functionality to the Job Highlight fields on the Job Details form. This will ensure consistency and accuracy to the information displayed in the Job Highlight fields across jobs and reduce the need to re-enter the job highlights during the job creation process.

Users will be able to use the merge fields in the Job Highlight fields when creating or updating jobs or job templates.

To add merge fields in the Job Highlight fields in the Job Template, users need to click on the System tab and select the Job Templates under the Job Manager section.

Once the Job Templates have been selected, the Job Template List screen is displayed.

Upon clicking to create or edit a Job Template, the Manage Job Details opens and an ‘Insert Merge Field’ icon is displayed alongside the Job Highlight 1-3 fields.

Note: If a Job Template was selected as part of the job creation process, any merge fields entered in the Job Highlight fields of the selected Job Template are displayed by default. Users will be able to update the Job Highlight fields as required and these changes will only apply to the Job Instance not the Job Template.

When clicking on the ‘Insert Merge Field’ icon, the ‘Select Merge Field’ pop up window opens and a drop down list containing ‘Job Field References’ is displayed.

Users are able to select any field from the Job Details form to add as merge fields within the Job Highlight 1-3 fields, except for: Job Overview field, Job Keywords field, Job Highlight 1-3 fields, File Upload Question type fields, Group Question type fields and Ordered Preference List Question type fields.

When users preview jobs ads, within each of the Job Highlight fields, instead of viewing the merge fields they view the actual data from the corresponding Job Details form of the particular job. The same applies for candidates previewing jobs in the Candidate Portal. This is similar to the existing functionality for Job Overview.

Note: When previewing new or updated job templates, the merge fields rather than the action data will be displayed. This is similar to the existing functionality for Job Overview.

“Email User” rule action type for an approval step

Currently when rolling back from an approval step the only email option is to resend the task email. We are now giving users the option to automatically send an email from an Approval Step in the APM to a previous step owner. This allows users to quickly and easily email other users in an approval process about a required change and give details of what the change is.

This is achieved through a new action type which can be attached to an Approval Step.

To use the new Email User Rule Action a new Email Template called APM Approval Step has been developed. The APM Approval Step email template is accessed through Email Templates in the System Module.

Once the Email Templates Link have been selected, the Email Template List screen is displayed.

Click on the drop down list beside Create New Email Template Type, select APM Approval Step from the drop down list and then click on the Go button.

The Edit Email Template form now appears for you and is configured in the same way as your existing email templates.

Note: The Approval Form global questions are available for inclusion as merge fields in the Email Body of the APM Approval Step email template, with the exception of File Upload Question types, Group Question types and Ordered Preference List Question types.

Once the APM Approval Step email has been created, users are able to select the Email User as an action to a rule within the Approval Step of an Assessment Process. This can be done in both the Assessment Process and the Assessment Process Template.

To add the Email User action through the Assessment Process Manager open the relevant Job Card, then through the Candidate Group & Assessment Menu, select Edit Assessment Process and then the rule you wish to add the Email User action to.

To add the Email User action through the Assessment Process Template go to the System tab and then click on Assessment Process Templates under Assessment Manager.

Select the Assessment Template you wish to update and click on the template name.

Then select the rule, linked to an approval step, you wish to add the Email User action to.

Once you have reached the Manage Rule screen, click on the Add Action link to set up an Email User action based on the Approval Step

Upon clicking the ‘Add Action’ link, the Manager Rule Action screen opens and the user is able to select the ‘Email User’ action.

Note: The option to Email User only appears when you are creating an approval step and does not appear for any other action step you create.

Once the ‘Email User’ action has been selected, the ‘Current Email Template’ and ‘Recipients’ fields is displayed.

To select an email template to the Email User rule action, users need to click on the ‘Select APM Approval Step Email Template’ link alongside the ‘Current Email Template’ field.

On the Email Template List screen select the relevant email template by clicking on Select at the end of the template name.

You can then review the template you have selected and make any necessary changes to it before clicking on Save and Preview to save your work or Cancel to select another template.

To add recipients to the Email User rule action, users need to click on the ‘Add Recipients’ link alongside the ‘Recipients’ field.

Upon selecting the ‘Add Recipients’ link, users are directed to the ‘Send Automated Email: Add Notification Recipient’ screen.

In the ‘Send Automated Email: Add Notification Recipient’ screen, users are able to select the email recipient. There are four types of recipient:

1. Step Users. This recipient type displays a dropdown list containing all Assessment and Approval Steps prior to the Approval Step within the particular APM or the APM template.

2. Role. This recipient type displays a dropdown list containing all active Roles configured with the system.

3. User. This recipient type will display as a Drop down list of all active backend users for you to select from.

If Large Client functionality has been configured this recipient type displays an ‘Add Users’ link. Once this link is selected, users are directed to the ‘User List’ screen where active backend users can be selected.

4. User Group. This recipient type displays a dropdown list containing all active User Groups configured with the system.

Once the ‘Send Automated Email: Add Notification Recipient’ screen is configured and saved, the user returns to the ‘Manage Rule Action’ screen and the selected email template and recipient type is displayed on screen.

When the user finishes configuring rules within an Approval Step, they select the ‘Save’ button.

To select the Email User as an action to an existing rule within the Approval Step of an Assessment Process, users select the relevant rule, click the ‘Add Action’ link and apply the same process described above.

Applied on date appearing in Task Candidate List

The date a candidate applied for a job can currently be seen on the Candidate List allowing users to review candidates in the order they applied. This is usually utilised during bulk recruitment or work experience programmes.

Users will now be able to see this information when accessing the candidate list through the Task Candidate List as well.

To view the Task Candidate List, users need to click on the Task tab and then click on Task Candidate List for the relevant job.

The Task Candidate List now appears with an extra column called Applied On after the candidates name displaying the date they applied for the job. This can be filtered like the other columns.

Changes to how inactive users appear in user lists

During the requisition or recruitment process users with roles in the process may leave the organisation and as a result they are not be able to complete their part of the process.

In this release, the status of a user who has already been selected as part of a process but has subsequently been made Inactive or Deleted will now appear with Deleted User or Inactive User before their name on dropdown or multi select user lists. Inactive or Deleted users who are not part of a process already will not be listed for selection in a process. This will help users to quickly and easily identify active users who can be selected to the recruitment process.

The changes will appear in one of two ways, depending on how your system has been configured:

1. For customers with Non-Large User Configurations, multi select user lists will show the individual with Deleted User, Inactive User or User Locked in front of the individuals name if they are already part of the process. If they are not already part of the process, they will not appear in the drop down list.

For single select user lists they will also show whether the individual is a Deleted User or Inactive User in front of their name if they are already selected as part of the process, otherwise they will not appear on the list.

2. For clients using the Large User Configuration, individuals already selected as part of the process will appear as a table showing the status of the individual, User Active, User Inactive, User Deleted and User Locked.

Clicking on Add Users will allow you to add additional users. You will only be able to select users with a status of User Active or User Locked, any user not already selected as part of a process and with a status of User Inactive or User Deleted will not appear.

For single select user lists click on the Change link at the end of the person’s name.

If the user does not appear in the drop down list they are either Inactive or Deleted from the system.

Note: If the user is inactive or deleted the search screen may return users if they have similar first or last names to the inactive or deleted user.

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If you would like further information regarding any items within the release note, please contact the NGA.NET Support Team.

p. 1800 642 638

e. support@nga.net