Release 21.01.2014

Release 21.01.2014

Release Timing

This release will commence on Tuesday 21st January from 9pm (AEDT).

During this time, you may experience downtime for up to two minutes. Whilst this downtime is minimal, we recommend that wherever possible, any large or critical system tasks be completed before close of business on the day of a deployment or commenced the day after.

If you have any further queries, please contact your Support Team on 1800 642 638.

Deployment Walkthrough Webinar

We are running a walkthrough webinar of the features included in this deployment. During this webinar, we will demonstrate where the updates have been made and how it changes the system. We will also discuss the benefits that you will see from the updates.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday, the 21st of January, at 12pm (AEDT).

For more details and to RSVP, log in to the NGA.NET User Community -


To join the webinar, please use the details below:

Webinar address: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/join/898896294

Audio: Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone using the details below.

Australia: +61 2 9087 3601/1 800 193 385 (toll free)

Access Code: 898-896-294


Addition of ‘User’s Job Permission’ setting to the Candidate Card User Defined View (UDV)

What It Is: This enhancement will add a new permission level to the Candidate Card User Defined View (UDV). When setting a user’s ability to view candidate Application History within the Candidate Card, options will now be available to allow a user to view all job applications made by a candidate (default setting) or only those jobs for which a user has access too.

The Benefits: Following this deployment, when the User’s Job Permissions option is selected on the Candidate Card UDV, users will only see the Application History for jobs that they have permission to, adding another level of back end user restriction and improving the relevance of information seen by users.

Ability to set the Analytics tab as the default home screen for Users and/or User Groups

What It Is: The Analytics tab has been added to the list of options available to be set as the default screen that Users and/or User Groups see when they log in to eRecruit.

The Benefits: You will have the ability to set the Analytics tab as the first screen you see after logging into eRecruit. This is ideal for users who rely on reporting to monitor and manage the recruitment function as it will provide immediate access to reports and dashboards, and greater visibility into key recruitment metrics.

Addition of ‘User’s Job Permission’ setting to the Candidate Card User Defined View (UDV)

Following this deployment, a new setting will be available when selecting to display the Application History log of a Candidate Card UDV. This new setting determines whether a user has visibly of all job applications made by a candidate or only applications to jobs which a user has access to. Candidate Card UDV’s are located in the User Defined View List of the System module.

Existing Candidate Card UDV’s can be edited by selecting the Edit link from the Action column. New Candidate Card UDV’s can be created by using the New User Defined View drop down.

When selecting to show the Application History log, a dropdown containing the permission options will now appear. The dropdown input values are:

 All jobs (the default value when Application History Log view is enabled. This replicates existing functionality)

 User’s Job Permissions

Note: All other logs visible to the user on the Candidate Card must be set to ‘This job only’ (as shown above) on the Candidate Card UDV when the new “User’s Job Permission” setting is enabled on the Application History Log in order to correctly maintain restrictions across the system for the user.

The example below demonstrates the difference between selecting the ‘All jobs’ option (replicating the existing, pre-deployment functionality) and selecting the new ‘User’s Job Permissions’ option available after this deployment on the Candidate Card UDV.

The candidate ‘test can1’ has applied to two jobs – ‘Test Job 1’ and ‘Test Job 2’.

In the first example, the user has the ‘All jobs’ option selected on the Candidate Card UDV, and has been assigned job permissions to ‘Test Job 1 only’:

When the user accesses the Candidate Card for ‘test can1’, the user will see Application records for both jobs. The user has ‘No Job Access’ to the Application for ‘Test Job 2’ as the user has no permissions to this job, but the user still sees the Application record:

In the second example the user has the ‘User’s Job Permissions’ option selected on the Candidate Card UDV, and has been assigned job permissions to ‘Test Job 1’ only:

When the user accesses the Candidate Card for ‘test can1’, the user will only see the Application record for ‘Test Job 1’ as the user only has permission to that job:

Ability to set the Analytics tab as the default home screen for Users and/or User Groups

With this deployment the Analytics tab can now be set as the default home screen for Users and/or User Groups.

To set the User Group default homepage, navigate to the System > User Group Manager page:

Click ‘Edit’ on the User Group you wish to change the default homepage setting for:

Click on the ‘Default Backend Homepage’ dropdown and select the ‘Analytics’ option:

To set the default homepage for a specific user, navigate to the System > User Manager page:

Click ‘Edit’ on the User you wish to change the default homepage setting for:

Click on the ‘Default Backend Homepage’ dropdown and select the ‘Analytics’ option:

Note: A User’s ‘Default Backend Homepage’ setting will take precedence over the User Group’s setting. So when applying a setting to a User Group where you wish all the Users in that User Group to have that default homepage setting, please ensure that the Users have the ‘Usergroup Default’ setting enabled on the Manage User page:

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If you would like further information regarding any items within the release note, please contact the NGA.NET Support Team.

p. 1800 642 638

e. support@nga.net