

Summaries give you a high-level view of your results and are particularly useful when your report is a long list of jobs or candidates.

In this section

Accessing Summary Settings

To set up a report summary, construct your report on the data and chart screens as required before proceeding to the output step. Run your report so that it returns results.

You won't be able to set up any summary fields if you have not returned any results. Ensure you have a) run your report and b) have returned results that can be summarised.

You will see the Report Summary screen as follows:

Here you can access:

  • Preview
  • Settings
  • Primary Metric
  • Dimensions
  • Secondary Metrics

Each of these are explained in more detail below.

You can specify some general settings via the Settings option. You might set this up first or make updates (if any) once your summary fields have been set up.

Here you can specify:

  • If the summary is to the side or on top of the report
  • Whether dividers are included between each metric and dimension
  • If the summary can be displayed on a/the:
    • Dashboard
    • Mobile
    • Report

Click Save to save your new dimension. If editing an existing dimension, click Update to save changes or Delete to remove it.


  • Primary and Secondary Metrics must be based on numerical fields.
  • Metric and Dimension Titles are limited to 15 characters
  • Dimensions work best with short answer values

Summaries are not available on reports that are separated into sections.

Primary Metric

The Primary Metric (and Secondary Metrics) are based on numerical fields in your report. It allows you to find the sum, average, count, count distinct, maximum, minimum, or % change of a numerical field in your report.

To set up your primary metric, click + Setup Primary Metric.

  1. Give it a Display Title (maximum 15 characters)
  2. Choose a field to base this metric on. Only numerical fields in your report are available.
  3. Determine your aggregation type

You can also specify a target if required. For a target, you need to specify:

  • Target Type - Periodic or Total
  • Display Title e.g. Target
  • Date Field (Periodic Targets only)
  • Set Target - manually or against another numerical field in your report
  • Desired Variance - above, below, or within a % range of the target
  • Variance Display - none, actual difference or % difference of target
  • Sparkline (Periodic Targets only) - none, actual difference or % difference of target

Alternatively, you may not need a target - if so, select None for Target Type.

Experiment with these settings to get the outcome you desire.

Click Save to save your new primary metric. If editing an existing metric, click Update to save changes or Delete to remove it.


If you want to count the number of results in a report, e.g. the number of jobs a report returns (and one job is returned per row), add Count Distinct of Job ID field and hide this in the report.

This way you have a '1' for each row. Assuming you have one row per job, you can use this Count Distinct Job ID field as a metric for the sum total of jobs.


Dimensions allow you to give a breakdown of the most common answers for a given dimension against another metric field e.g. count of jobs or applications. It is displayed as a donut chart.

To set up a dimension, click + Add Dimension.

  1. Give it a Display Title (maximum 15 characters)
  2. Select a Dimension (text field). See the hint to the right for Dimensions that have long answers.
  3. Select a Metric (numerical field in your report) to count that dimension by
  4. Adjust the colour used (if required)
  5. Adjust the maximum number of segments. Check the preview box if you increase this, as it will start to reduce the size of the donut chart until it is no longer visible.

You can add multiple Secondary Metrics, depending on your requirements. To re-order dimensions, click on a dimension and drag it up or down as required.

Click Save to save your new dimension. If editing an existing dimension, click Update to save changes or Delete to remove it.


Dimensions only display properly when answers are around 12 characters or less. Any more will reduce the size of the donut until it is no longer visible.

If your chosen dimension has longer answers that are displayed (or likely to be displayed), you could choose to:

  • Group Data on the existing column and give those longer values shorter names or acronyms
  • add that field again and apply the group data settings to this secondary column. You can hide this column in the report display but use it for the summary.

Secondary Metrics

Secondary metrics allow you to show other metric aggregations that support your primary metric.

Click +Add Secondary Metric to set one up. There are less options when compared to a Primary Metric.

  • Give it a Display Title (maximum 15 characters)
  • Choose a field to base this metric on. Only numerical fields in your report are available.
  • Determine your aggregation type
  • Its variation from another field, if any. If you want to display this field's chosen aggregation (not the comparison with another), choose None.

You can add multiple Secondary Metrics, depending on your requirements. To re-order secondary metrics, click on a metric and drag it up or down as required.

Click Save to save your new secondary metric. If editing an existing metric, click Update to save changes or Delete to remove it.

Finalising Your Summary

Once you have added your primary metric and any required dimensions and secondary metrics, go back to the Preview screen to see the finished product.

Click Submit to save your summary settings and go back to the output screen, or Clear to clear these settings and start again.

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