Standard People Analytics

Standard People Analytics

About People Analytics

People Analytics gives you statistics and trends that Senior Executives need to know, all presented in a concise, rich, dedicated dashboard. 
  • Your data, your processes
  • Visibility of what needs attention now
  • Track team workload and performance
  • Find trends and influences
  • Drive decisions with reason and evidence

The latest data and insights, right at your fingertips. Choose your reports. Determine what needs to be customised. Get analysing.

What's the process?

Pick your analytics. Choose the dashboards you'd like. Or, pick specific reports for your own dashboard design.

Pick any extras. Re-design a report, add your own filters, brand charts with your colours.

We'll work out how much work will be involved.

Define your data. Specify how you define things - like time to fill, placed candidates, diversity groups.

We'll build it. Sit back and relax - we'll do the hard work.

Review and refine. Here's how the reports look with your data.

Get analysing. Distribute to your execs. Drill into your data. Influence decisions.

Reports by Theme

  • Time to Fill. Average time to fill across all jobs, with analysis at job, stage and step levels.
  • Team Management. Job owner/recruiter workload, job filling rates and analysis of Talent Pool use and success.
  • Vacancy Management. Visibility of all current vacancies by status and those requiring action.
  • Sourcing & Assessment. Source effectiveness and cost, successful candidates by source, and candidate drop-out rates.
  • Diversity. Applicants by geography, plus diversity group trends, success rates and source.
Sub Tab/ThemeReport(s)DetailsComplexityScreenshot

Time to Fill

Are you meeting your Time to Fill target?

Where are your processes being held up?

1.1 Time to Fill (days) - Jobs Archived last 12 months

Average Time to Fill for the last 12 months.

Drill through to individual job then step details.


1.2 Requisition Step Duration

1.2a Requisition Step Duration - Top 10 Graph

Average time to complete each requisition step.

Drill through to individual job details for the chosen step.


1.3 Assessment Step Duration

1.3a Assessment Step Duration - Top 10 Graph

Average time to complete each assessment step.

Drill through to individual job details for the chosen step.


Team Management

What is your team's workload?

How effective are your processes?

1.4 Vacancies by Job Owner User Group and Status

Number of vacancies by Job Owner User Group and job status.

Drill through to Job Owner then Jobs by job status.

1.5 Filling Rates - Archived Jobs

Percentage of completed jobs with an offered/placed candidate.

Drill through to individual job then candidate details.

1.6 Talent Pool Candidates Summary

Number of candidates applied from the Talent Pool and their outcomes.

Drill through to application history for each candidate.


Vacancy Management

How many vacancies are at each stage of the process?

Which processes are stuck?

2.1 Vacancies by Status

Number of vacancies by current job status.

Drill through to individual job details.


2.1a Vacancies by Status and Category 1

Number of vacancies by current job status and a chosen category.

Drill through to individual job details.

2.1b Vacancies by Status and Category 2

Number of vacancies by current job status and a chosen category.

Drill through to individual job details.

2.2 Vacancies Stuck at Step

Top 10 un-archived jobs, for each process type and job status, that have at its current step for the longest.

Drill through to the requisition or job card to take action.


Sourcing & Assessment

What are your sources costing you, and which are the most effective?

Where are candidates likely to drop out of your assessment process?

3.1 Ad Recruitment Source Cost

Percentage  of applications by source, with source cost by job and application.

Drill through to matching job and candidate details by source.


3.2 Source by Accepted Offers

Percentage of accepted offers by candidate source.

Drill through to matching job and candidate details by source.

3.3 Source by Suitable Candidates

Percentage of suitable candidates by candidate source.

(Candidates were deemed suitable for a role but may not have received an offer.)

Drill through to matching job and candidate details by source.

3.4 Source by Effectiveness

Percentage of submitted applications, suitable candidates and accepted offers, and number of processes, by source.

Drill through to matching job and candidate details by source.

3.5 Source - Unsuccessful and Withdrawn

Percentage of unsuccessful and withdrawn candidates by source.

Drill through to matching job and candidate details by source.

3.6 Candidate Withdrawal by StepPercentage of withdrawals by assessment step (top 10 steps by applicant volume only)Simple


What are your diversity group application trends?

How are these groups faring in your recruitment process? 

4.1 Distribution of CandidatesGeographical representation of submitted candidates and other candidate groups by Postcode.Complex

4.2 Submitted Applications Drill Down

Volume of submitted candidates and diversity group percentages over time, with drill down from year to month to date.

Drill through to matching candidate details by source.

4.3 Diversity Group Success Rate by Assessment Step

Percentage of candidates from each diversity group as a proportion of all successful at each assessment step (top 10 steps by volume).

Drill through to matching candidate details by source.

4.4 Diversity Group Placement Rate

Percentage of candidates from each diversity group as a proportion of all with final assessment outcome.

Drill through to matching candidate details by source.

4.5 Diversity Group by Source

Percentage of submitted candidates from diversity groups by source.

Drill through to matching candidate details by source.


Reports by Complexity

Want a mix of reports? Some will be quick to deploy, some will be more complex.

Review the People Analytics by Complexity dashboard for a breakdown of reports by time required to deploy. 


These reports require no to little configuration to deploy into your system with minimal reference to your custom data and definitions.

1.2 Requisition Step Duration

1.2a Requisition Step Duration - Top 10 Graph

1.3 Assessment Step Duration

1.3a Assessment Step Duration - Top 10 Graph

2.1 Vacancies by Status

2.2 Vacancies Stuck at Step

3.6 Candidate Withdrawal by Step


These reports require a moderate level of configuration to deploy into your system with some reference to your custom data and definitions.

1.4 Vacancies by Job Owner User Group and Status

2.1a Vacancies by Status and Category 1

2.1b Vacancies by Status and Category 2

3.2 Source by Accepted Offers

3.3 Source by Suitable Candidates

3.5 Source - Unsuccessful and Withdrawn


These reports require a high level of configuration to deploy into your system with a notable reliance on your custom data and definitions.

1.5 Filling Rates - Archived Jobs

1.6 Talent Pool Candidates Summary

3.4 Source by Effectiveness

4.2 Submitted Applications Drill Down

4.3 Diversity Group Success Rate by Assessment Step

4.5 Diversity Group by Source


These reports require complex updates to deploy into your system with a significant reliance on your custom data and definitions.

1.1 Time to Fill (days) - Jobs Archived last 12 months

3.1 Ad Recruitment Source Cost

4.1 Distribution of Candidates

4.4 Diversity Group Placement Rate

Customisation Options

Do more.

Get even more insights by adding specific filters that you can apply to the whole dashboard. This may include:
  • Business Group, Division and/or Section
  • Location
  • Level
  • Job Type
  • Employment Type
You could also choose to:
  • have additional time to fill components or measures
  • add fields in drill through reports to reflect your organisation and processes
  • customise chart colours to reflect your brand

Updating your People Analytics

People Analytics reports are, by default, built upon standard views and can only be edited by Acendre staff. This is because your customised reports are built upon the standard reports but linking to your data. This is done to significantly reduce the build and deployment time for your People Analytics dashboards.

Any future updates or changes will need to be assessed and quoted by Acendre.

If you'd like to have complete control over your reports and dashboards, and make future updates yourself, we'll provide a customised approach based on your requirements. 

People Analytics Demo

Ask your Client Success Manager for a demonstration of the People Analytics Dashboard and get immediate insights into your data.

The demonstration reports will use a mix of your live data and some example data, depending on the report.

Once you've had this demonstration we can provide ongoing access to required users to further review the Dashboard and its reports. This includes access to:

  • People Analytics storyboard
  • People Analytics standard dashboard
  • People Analytics by Complexity dashboard.

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