Standard Recruit Report Suite

Standard Recruit Report Suite

The standard recruit report suite provides you with key insight into your recruitment process – right out of the box.

Access to Standard Recruit Reports

If you do not have access to any or all of the Standard Recruit Report sub-folders outlined in this section, see Access to Standard Recruit Reports.

Storyboard and Dashboard

You can get an overview of the standard reports by accessing the Standard Recruitment Reports Storyboard in 8. Dashboards and Storyboards.

You can also add the Standard Recruit Reports dashboard to give yourself easy access to the standard reports outlined below.

Summary of Standard Reports


Report Name



1. Current Recruitment Reports

Core operational reports that have the purpose of providing visibility into key aspects of your current recruitment activity.

Drill-through functionality is provided to enable you to view additional, more detailed information.

Current Job Status Report

Shows the volume and percentage of non-archived jobs by job status.  

Drill Through

Current Jobs

Provides an operational list of non-archived jobs in the system.

Drill Through 

Current Requisitions

Provides an operational list of all the requisitions in the system that are yet to be completed.

Jobs Currently Advertised

Provides a list of jobs that are currently being advertised.

Drill Through 

Top 10 Jobs by Applications

Provides a list of the top 10 non-archived jobs by number of applications submitted during a certain time range.

Drill Through 

2. Application Reports

All reports relating to the analysis of application-related information is included within this category. This includes analysis of overall application volumes, incomplete applications, and application density.

Drill-through and drill-down functionality is provided for additional, more granular analysis.

Audience Application Distribution

Shows the volume of applications by audience during a user-defined time range.

Drill Through 

Audience Applications per Year

Summarises the total number of applications per year per audience.

Drill Down 

Complete and Incomplete Application Distribution

Summarises the volume of submitted, incomplete and withdrawn applications during a certain time range.

Complete and Incomplete Applications per Year

Summarises the total number of incomplete and complete applications per year. 

Drill Down 

Complete and Incomplete Applications Ratio per Year

Summarises the ratio of incomplete and complete applications per year.

Drill Down 

Weekly Application Density

Shows the density of applications received on weekly basis.

3. Job Reports

All reports relating to the analysis of job-related information is included within this category. This includes analysis of overall job creation and advertisement volumes, lists of archived jobs and job advertising content, the status of applications for a given job, and time to fill reports.

Drill-through and drill-down functionality is provided for additional, more granular analysis

Advertised Job Distribution

Shows the volume of jobs that were opened for advertising during a user-defined time range.

Assessment Traffic Light Report

This report shows the progress of candidates through the assessment process for a given job.

Average Time to Fill per Year

Allows you to view the average time to approve and average time to fill for jobs archived over a given time period.

Drill Down

Job Created per Year

Summarises the total jobs created per year.

Drill Down 

List of Archived Jobs

Provides an operational list of all archived jobs in the system.

Drill Through

Time to Fill per Job

Itemises the total time to approve and time to fill for all jobs that have been archived.

Weekly Job Density

Shows the density of jobs closed on weekly basis.

Total Number of Applicants Per Job Category

Shows the total number of applicants per job category

 Drill Through

4. Sourcing Reports

Reports that relate to sourcing-related information, including job alerts and job board posts. Drill-through and drill-down functionality is provided for additional, more granular analysis.

Job Alert Registration Distribution

Shows the volume of job alert registrations during a user-defined time range.

Job Alert Registrations

Provides an operational list of the candidates who have registered for job alerts, ordered by the date upon which they registered.

Job Alert Registrations per Year

Summarises the total number of job alert registrations per year.

Drill Down 

Job Board Posts

Provides an operational list of all the jobs that were posted to job boards (such as Seek and myCareer).

Drill Through 

Job Board Posts per Year

Summarises the total number of posts that were made to job boards.

Drill Down 

Vendor Activity Report

Provides an operational list of all vendor-applied candidates for each job, including the assessment process step that each candidate is currently sitting at.

5. Administration Reports

Reports that are more of a general nature, including those related to user roles, user expiry dates, candidate flags, etc.

Candidate Flags

Provides an operational list of all candidates who have flags recorded against their user account.

User Role Assignments

Provides the ability to view all the user role assignments for all jobs in the system.

Job Advertising Content Summary

Provides a summary-level list of the key advertising content used across multiple jobs in the system.

Duplicate Applicants Report

Duplicate Applicants Report shows a list of applicants that have the same Surname + First Name combination with multiple accounts.

Multiple Applications Submitted

Identify candidates that have submitted more than one applications across the given job references (where Jobs Applied For is >= 2).

User Expiry Report

This report shows the information on user account status.

User Module Permissions

This report shows the information on user module permissions.

Email Communication by Job

Provides the ability to view all the user role assignments for all jobs in the system.

6. Tools and Utilities

Contains reports that are aimed at analysing system configuration through the analytics module. This category currently contains a single report that will allow you to analyse the configuration of a given form. 

Broadcast List

Summary of all current broadcasts. Drill through to see individual broadcast details.

Drill Through
Broadcast List - Last Run DetailsLast run details for all current broadcasts. Filter by Last Run Status to limit to Broadcast Failures for further review.
Custom Global Questions SummaryNumber of custom global questions by usage, with the ability to filter by folder name or field nameDrill Through
Form Configuration By JobView the form configuration for a given job reference and associated form types and names, or process and steps.
Form Configuration Exploration ToolProvides the ability to view the form configuration of each process step in the system.
Job Template SummarySearch by Job Reference Number to find the Job Template it was created from and the Process Templates used throughout the workflow.Drill Through
Job Template and Process LookupShows the number of jobs created from each job template for a given time period.Drill Through
Job Template UsageShow the number of jobs created by each job template by year created, with drill down to month and date created.Drill Down
Process Template SummaryShows Process Name by Type, with number of processes using it, when first and last used. Defaults to templates used in the last 12 months.Drill Through
Reports Not AccessedTop 20 (by default) custom reports by the most number of days since last accessed, up to 100 days ago for the filtered values. Number of reports returned can be adjusted via Rank filter.Drill Through
Reports Summary by Category and Sub-CategoryProvides a count of custom reports by category and sub-category.Drill Through


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