4.1 eRecruit Job, Requisition and Application Data

4.1 eRecruit Job, Requisition and Application Data

4.1.1 Application Details

Field Name

Field Description


The internal system code that uniquely identifies this application.

This field should be used to count unique applications or when creating joins to sub-queries.

Format: Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

Example Value: fef94d3a-3957-8594-d78f-527cd5f60d25

Application Applied On

The date and time when this application was commenced by the candidate.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Application Edited On

The date and time when this application was last edited by the candidate.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Application Submitted On

The date and time when this application was submitted by the candidate. If the application has not been submitted this field is blank.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Application Is Complete

Identifies if the candidate has completed and submitted this application.

Available Values:
* Submitted
* Not Submitted

Application Is Withdrawn

Identifies if the candidate has withdrawn this application.

Available Values:
* Withdrawn
* Not Withdrawn

Application Status

The current overall status of this application.

Default Values:
* Incomplete
* Applied
* Shortlist
* Interview
* Offer
* Accept
* Decline
* Applied Late
* Reinstatement Requested

(Note: There may be additional custom statuses added)

Application Step Drop Out

The furthest step of the application form for this application that has been completed by the candidate.

Example Value: 3. Education

Current APM Step Last Edited

The date and time when the current assessment step of this application was last edited.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Current APM Step Name

The name of the current  step  this application is at in the assessment process.

Format: Step number followed by step name

Example Value: 4. First Interview

Current APM Step Status

The status of the current  step  this application is at in the assessment process.

Available Values:
* Not Started
* In Progress
* Complete
* Successful
* Unsuccessful
* Withdrawn

Group Description

The description of the application group this application is currently in.

Group Label

The name of the current application group of this application.


Identifies how this application was created and submitted.

Available Values:
* Online
* Paper

4.1.2 Application Sourcing

Field Name

Field Description

Audience Code

The abbreviated name of the candidate portal audience that was used to submit this application.

Example Value: INT

Audience Name

The full name of the candidate portal audience that was used to submit this application.

Example Value: Internal

Audience Description

The description of the candidate portal audience that was used to submit this application.

Example Value: The internal job web site

Job Ad Reference

The reference number of the advertisement for this application's job board posting.

Job Board Name

The name of the job board on which the advertisement for this application's job was posted.

Source Type Name

The source from which this application was received.

Available Values:
* Candidate Portal
* Paper Applicant
* Talent Pool
* Imported
* Vendor
* Job Board

Vendor Name

The name of the vendor organisation (e.g. recruitment agent) that submitted the application.

Vendor Branch Name

The name of the vendor organisation branch that submitted the application.

4.1.3 Candidate

Field Name

Field Description


The internal system code that uniquely identifies candidate who made this application.
This field should be used to count unique applications or when creating joins to sub-queries.
Format: Universally Unique Indeniter (UUID)
Example Value: fef94d3a-3957-8594-d78f-527cd5f60d25

Candidate ID

The identification number of the candidate who made this application.
Format: 6 digit numeric
Example Value: 679049


The title of the candidate who made this application.
Example Values:
* Mr
* Ms
* Dr

First Name

The first / given name of the candidate who made this application.

Middle Name

The middle name of the candidate who made this application.

Last Name

The last / family name of the candidate who made this application.

Email Address

The email address of the candidate who made this application.
Example Value: mary@somedomain.com

User Status

The status of the candidate's eRecruit account.
Available Values:
* User Active
* User Inactive

User Language

The user interface language entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application.

User Region

The region entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application.

User Timezone Label

The description of the time zone entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application.
Example Value: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

User Timezone Name

The name of the time zone entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application.
Example Value: AUS Eastern Standard Time

4.1.4 Flags

Field Name

Field Description


Identifies the scope of the flag attached to this job.

Available Values:
* Global Flag
* Job Flag


The content of the flag attached to this job.


The title of the user who created this flag.

Example Values:
* Mr
* Ms
* Dr


The middle name of the user who created this flag attached to this job.


The first / given name of the user who created this flag attached to this job.


The last / family name of the user who created this flag attached to this job.


The full name of the user who created this flag attached to this job.

Format: LastName, FirstName Title

Example Value: Watson, Mary Dr


The eRecruit user group of the user who created this flag attached to this job.

4.1.5 Job Audience Types (!)

Field Name

Field Description

Audience Code

The abbreviated name of a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job.

Example Value: INT

Audience Name

The full name of a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job.

Example Value: Internal

Audience Description

The description of a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job.

Example Value: The internal job web site

Job Audience Close Date

The close date and time for a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Job Audience Open Date

The open date and time for a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Timezone Name

The name of the time zone associated with the open and closes for a candidate portal audience used to find applications for this job.

4.1.6 Job Categories (!)

Field Name

Field Description


The name of a category this job was advertised under on the candidate portal.


The description of a category this job was advertised under on the candidate portal.

4.1.7 Job Creator

Field Name

Field Description


The internal system code that uniquely identifies the creator of this job. 
Format: Universally Unique Indeniter (UUID)
Example Value: fef94d3a-3957-8594-d78f-527cd5f60d25


The title of the creator of this job.
Example Values:
* Mr
* Ms
* Dr

First Name

The first / given name of the creator of this job.

Middle Name

The middle name of the creator of this job.

Last Name

The last / family name of the creator of this job.

Email Address

The email address of the creator of this job.
Format: Email address
Example Value: martin.james@domain.com

User Group

The eRecruit user group of the creator of this job.

User Language

The user interface language entered in the candidate record of the candidate who submitted this application.

4.1.8 Jobs and Requisitions

Field Name

Field Description


The internal system code that uniquely identifies this job.

This field should be used to count unique applications or when creating joins to sub-queries.

Format: Universally Unique Indeniter (UUID)

Example Value: fef94d3a-3957-8594-d78f-527cd5f60d25

Job Reference No

The reference number of this job / requisition.

Job Name

The name of this job / requisition.

Job Highlight 1

The first highlight entered on the job details for this job / requisition.

Job Highlight 2

The second highlight entered on the job details for this job / requisition.

Job Highlight 3

The third highlight entered on the job details for this job / requisition.

Job Archive Date

The date and time when this job / requisition was archived. If the job / requisition is not archived this field will be blank.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Job Created On

The date and time when this job / requisition was created.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Job Edited On

The date and time when the details of this job / requisition were last edited.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Job Close Date

The date and time this job was last displayed to any candidate portal audience. This field will be blank if this job has not been posted to any candidate portal audience.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Job Open Date

The date and time this job was first displayed to any candidate portal audience. This field will be blank if this job has not been posted to any candidate portal audience.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

Current Workflow Step

The name of the current workflow step for this job / requisition.

Format: Step number followed by step name

Example Value: 1. Raise Requisition

Job Owner (Username)

The eRecruit user name of the owner of the  of this job that is entered on the job details form.

Example Value: d.jones

Job Status

The current status of this application.

Example Values:
* Incomplete
* Pending Open Date
* Job Open
* Selection Process
* Onboarding
* In Progress
* Not Approved
* Requires More Information
* Approved
* Job Archived

(Note: There may be additional custom statuses added)

Job Keywords

The information entered in the job keyword question on the job details form for this job.

Job Overview

The information entered in the job overview question on the job details form for this job.


The duration in days between the job creation date and the job archive date.
Format: Integer

# of Complete Applicants

The number of complete applications received for this job.
Format: Integer

# of Incomplete Applicants

The number of incomplete applications received for this job.
Format: Integer

# of Submitted Applicants

The number of submitted applications received for this job.
Format: Integer

# of Withdrawn Applicants

The number of withdrawn applications received for this job.
Format: Integer


Identifies if this job is a requisition or if it has been converted a job.

Available Values:
* Requisition
* Job


Identifies if this job is job or a job template.

Available Values:
* Job Template
* Job

4.1.9 Notes (!)

Field Name

Field Description


The subject line of this application note.


The contents of this application note.

Created By

The full name of the creator of this application note.

Format: FirstName LastName

Example Value: Susan Maddison


The date and time when this application note was created.

The time stamp value is used when there is a need to find the earliest (i.e. minimum) or latest (i.e. maximum) events, sort events, create time series charts or create joins to sub-queries.

Format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

Example Value: 13/08/2013 13:46:23.457

4.1.10 Vendors

Field Name

Field Description


The internal system code that uniquely identifies the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate. 

Example Value: fef94d3a-3957-8594-d78f-527cd5f60d25


The middle name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.


The title of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Values:
* Mr
* Ms
* Dr


The first / given name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.


The last / family name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.


The email address of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Format: Email address

Example Value: martin.james@domain.com


The eRecruit user name of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: d.jones


The country of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: Australia


The fax number of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: (02) 9876-5556


The name of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: Sydney North


The phone number of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: (02) 9876-5555


The post code of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: 2065


The state of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: New South Wales


The street of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: Level 3, 265 Pacific Hwy


The suburb of the branch of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: St Leonards


The abbreviated name of the organisation of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: ADCC


The full name of the organisation of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Example Value: Adecco


The registration status of the eRecruit account of the vendor user who submitted this application on behalf of the candidate.

Available Values:
* User Active
* User Active
* User Inactive


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