Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria flow through a Job

Selection Criteria is used to assess candidates. Selection criteria is defined at a job level. Selection criteria templates are created and added as a placeholder in the requisition and job template.

Selection Criteria can be defined in the requisition process by the Hiring Manager. The Hiring Manager can select how many selection criteria templates are to be used and define the selection criteria.

Requisition Process

Job Creation Workflow

Application Form

Assessment Form

(Display Questions)

Assessment Rules

Hiring Manager selects how many selection criteria options are to be used.

Hiring Manager defines the selection criteria text. This will be displayed on the candidate application form.

HR or and Approver can approve the Selection Criteria.

The total number selected here will be what is added to the application form.

Job creator will confirm the criteria selected in the Requisition Process.

This is the final chance to confirm the selection criteria text.

If additional selection criteria are selected it will not be added to the application form as the job has been created. Contact the Acendre support desk if additional SC has been selected at this point.


The total number of selection criteria options selected in the Requisition will be displayed for the candidate to respond.

The selection criteria question and the candidate response can be displayed here for an assessor to assess and score.

Assessment rules configured against the selection criteria score from the assessment form can be calculated as a total score or average.

System configuration for selection criteria templates

Some of the steps below may already be configured in your system.

Follow the steps below to configure selection criteria in your system:

  1. Configuring selection criteria templates.

  2. Create a global question for each Selection Criteria Template. These global questions will be added to the application form and linked to each selection criteria.

  3. Selection criteria step to be configured to the requisition process.

  4. Selection criteria step to be configured to the job template.

  5. Selection criteria rating global questions to be configured.

  6. Selection criteria rating global question to be added to the assessment form and linked to each criteria template.

  7. Display questions added to each global question to display the candidate’s response.

  8. Selection criteria score rules to be configured and linked to each selection criteria.