Selection criteria score rule

Selection criteria score rule

A score can be applied to the candidate. This score can the be viewed from the candidate list, candidate card or an approval step.
The image below demonstrates how the score appears in the candidate list if it has been configured.

The image below demonstrates how the score appears in an approval step if it has been configured.

The image below demonstrates how the score appears in a candidate card if it has been configured.

Follow the steps below to configure the score:

  1. Navigate to the System tab.

  2. Click on Assessment Process Templates.

  3. Click on the name of the template to edit.

  4. Ensure Uses Scores is selected. Select Uses Scores and click Save.

  5. The form that has the selection criteria rating must be attached to an assessment process step to configure a scoring rule.
    The score will need to be added to the step that has the selection criteria rating configured question on the form.
    Click +Add Rule on the step where the rating question is.

  6. Enter the rule name.

  7. The rule trigger will be exit. This will calculate the score once the step is complete.

  8. Select the form in the Source dropdown list.

  9. The question field will appear once the form is selected. Select the rating question.

  10. If the score is to be applied to each answer you will not be required to select the checkbox in the selection’s column.

  11. In the score column insert the score that you wish to be applied when the rating is selected.

  12. Select the criteria that the rating connects too and click Save.

  13. Click Assessment Process on the breadcrumb trail to return to the process.

  14. Scroll down to the rule added. In the rule weighting column insert the weighting for this rule.
    If it is the only rule insert 100 to the text box. If you have multiple scoring rules you can set the weighting for each rule. The rule weighting needs to be 100 or each rule weighting must add up to 100.

  15. The step weighting will need to be entered. If you have multiple steps where you wish to score you can split the step weighting. The step weighting needs to be 100 or each steps weighting must add up to 100.

  16. Scroll up and click Save.

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