Bulk deletion questions on a form
Questions can be deleted off a form by selecting the questions and deleting them in bulk. Questions can also be deleted by deleting the form step.
Let’s have a look at how to delete questions off a form using both of these methods.
Bulk deletion of questions on a form
Questions can be deleted in bulk on a form. Up to 30 questions can be deleted at any one time. If more than 30 questions are selected to be deleted an error message will be presented.
Follow the steps below to delete questions off a form:
Navigate to the form. The form can be on a requisition instance, job instance or a form template. This example will demonstrate how to delete questions from a form template.
To access a form in the form template library, navigate to the System tab and click Form Templates.
Navigate to the form and click Edit.
Select the checkbox on the left of the question that you want deleted.
Once all the questions to be deleted are selected. Scroll up to the top of the form and click Bulk Delete Questions.
The delete question confirmation page will be presented click Delete to confirm the deletion request.
Deleting questions by deleting a form step
Questions can be deleted in bulk by deleting a form step. This will delete all questions that are on that form step. Any question that you want to delete that is not on that form step you can drag to the step that you are deleting.
Follow the steps below to delete a form step:
Navigate to the System tab.
Click on Form Templates.
Click Edit on the form you wish to edit.
Click Delete step.
You will be taken to the confirmation screen where it will provide you with the option to move the questions to a different step or delete all questions from that step and from the form.
To delete all questions, select ‘Remove all step questions from form’ and click Delete.
Click Proceed to confirm.