Creating an Assessment Process Template

To create an assessment template:

  1. Click the System icon at the top right hand side of the page.

  2. Under Assessment Manager, click the Assessment Process Templates link.

  3. This will display a list of all currently configured Assessment Templates.

  4. Create a new Assessment Template by clicking the + Create Assessment Process Template link on the right hand of the page title.

  5. This will take you to a blank Assessment Process Template.

    Process Template Name: Enter the name for this assessment template.

    Job Template: Use this drop-down list to attach this assessment template to a specific job template. Each time a job is created from this Job Template; this assessment template will be instantly attached.

    Active: This will allow you to activate/de-activate templates.  You won’t be able to change the status to Active until there is at least one step in the APM.  It is best practice to make the template active after you have completed the APM.  Inactive templates cannot be attached to a job. 

    Uses Scores: Click this checkbox if you require scoring within the assessment process.  Scoring is used to calculate and display candidate scores, establishing an order of merit for the candidates through the assessment process.  This is also very useful in large campaigns like graduate intakes.

    Decimal Places: Enter how many decimal places will be used if scoring is used in the assessment process.

    Order of Merit: This option would be selected if you have purchased the Order of Merit module.  This allows you to automatically place a candidate on the Order of Merit during the assessment.

  6. After you have completed these fields, click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

  7. Now you will have the ability to add steps to your Assessment Process.

    An assessment process typically consists of a series of steps - for example Manual Screen, Phone Screen, Interview, Reference Check and Offer. When creating an assessment process, the first thing you need to do is add these steps.

  8. To add the first step of the assessment process, click the + Create Assessment Step link.

  9. This will take you to the Manage Assessment Step page; enter the first step a name here: e.g. Manual Screen.
    Note: If the step doesn’t require a form to be completed, set it to be Automatic Screening

  10. Once you have named the step and selected the Step Type, click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

  11. Return to the Manage Assessment Process page by clicking the Assessment Process Template link at the top of the screen.

  12. You will now be able to view the created step.

  13. Add the next step by clicking the + Create Assessment Step link again.

  14. Enter the name of the second step. and click the Save button.

    And then click the Save button.

    When adding a new assessment process template, it is best to have all forms built prior. Alternatively you can build all the steps as Automatic Screening steps, and then attach the forms when they are ready.

  15. Return to the Manage Assessment page by clicking the Assessment Process Template link at the top of the screen.

  16. The Assessment Process should now show the two steps you have created.

  17. Repeat this process until all of the assessment steps have been added. The Assessment Process Template page will look something like this.
