Release 22.06.2011

Release 22.06.2011

Available Wednesday 22 June 2011

This deployment will occur on the evening of Tuesday 21 June between 6.00pm and 8.00pm (AEST). During this time, Users may experience downtime for up to 2 minutes. Whilst this downtime is minimal, we recommend that wherever possible, any large or critical system tasks be completed before close of business on the day of a deployment or commenced the day after. If you have any further queries, please contact your Support Team on 1800 642 638.

This deployment

This deployment will occur on the evening of Tuesday 21 June and will include the following enhancements to your system:

 Create candidates via a CSV File Upload:  A new feature to upload candidate data in bulk to create Applications and new candidates, where required.

 Package from the Task Candidate List: An enhancement to the existing packaging feature, Users from within the Task Candidate List will be able to package Application Forms and Application Form attachments (including resumes).

Reminder New Views Deployment

 Further to the release note on Friday 27 May, we are deploying an additional 20 new reporting views into your system. This is an enhancement to your existing reporting capability and the release to customers is phased over a ten week period commencing Monday 13 June. You will be contacted when your system is scheduled to be configured with the new views. Your Account Manager is your central point of contact and if you have any questions or concerns regarding your deployment please do not hesitate to contact them on 1800 642 638.

Upcoming enhancements

In the July deployment, we are working to release a new feature to automate the collection of referee reports. Using the candidate’s submitted referee details (within an Application form) an email will automatically be sent to the referee to complete a Reference Check via a secure online portal. The completed form will be linked to the candidate’s Application and accessed via the Candidate Card, Candidate List and Assessment forms.

 We are targeting a July release for this exciting new feature. Watch this space and visit our User Community for more updates.

Create Candidates via CSV File Upload

We are delighted to announce a new purchasable feature allowing Super Users to import multiple candidates into a specific Job.  This feature will take a two pronged approach:


  1. If they are an existing Candidate in your system the import details will populate a new Application within the Job


2. If they are a new Candidate in your system a new Candidate record will be created within the Job including a completed Application form.

The feature also includes: 

  • The ability to export an Application Form Template in CSV format ready to complete with relevant candidate details;
  • The ability to import the completed CSV file of up to 100 Applicants at a time into a specific job;
  • Validation against existing Applications in your system to ensure duplicate Candidates are managed prior to creation within the Job; and
  • The ability to email uploaded candidates with an Application Submitted email and the candidate’s login details for the Candidate Portal.

Ability to export a CSV template from a Job

 Users will be familiar with managing Candidate Data from within the Job Card via the Import Candidate Data Menu.  We have extended this functionality to include the ability to export an empty Application form as a CSV file for completion outside of the system. This will ensure the relevant Candidate information for the Job is imported.


From the Job Card access the Import Candidate Data menu 

The system will respond by displaying an enhanced view of the Import Candidate Data providing the User with an option to choose the Type of Data and whether to Import/Upload Candidates or Export/Download the Candidate Application Template.

Pressing the Process button, Users are taken to the Messages menu displaying the Files available for download.

When the file is ready to be downloaded the Download Action will become available.

CSV Files display within Excel. Please note that the downloaded CSV file contains data which must not be edited or deleted. You may therefore only add rows to the spreadsheet.

Here is a sample of a completed Candidate Application file ready for upload. Note that the data entered into the file is exactly the same format as you have configured in your Application Form. For example, the Yes is represented as Yes and not as Y. If you have any doubt about the format consider the Question Options section of the CSV file as a guide to completion.

The import initially validates against three main fields provided within the CSV: 

  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Email

A valid email address must be provided at minimum for the validation process to commence on the CSV file.  If the data is not entered in correctly an error message will display for the User to correct within the CSV file.  A subsequent validation occurs to ensure all Mandatory Questions are complete.

IMPORTANT NOTE: NGA.NET are able to configure an additional two fields for validation and duplication checking. These fields may be based on Global Questions. If you are interested in enhancing this validation feature please contact your Account Manager on 1800 642 638.

Create new Candidates from a CSV file

 When you are ready to import your completed CSV file simply select Import/Upload Candidates from the Import Candidate Menu. 

You are only able to import a file of up to 100 candidates at each time. You can, however, add as many candidates as you like via the Import process by uploading multiple files.


On using the Proceed button the system will then provide a File Upload question and an ability to validate the file.

The CSV file will validate and any errors or duplicate candidates will be detailed in the error message.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a Mandatory question is incomplete or not answered in the correct format, the record will not import though the rest of the file will.

Errors will be identified by the Line/Row that the error is in and the question or response that is invalid. Users will need to return to the CSV file and correct or delete the record as they see fit. The system will continue to import a file if there is at least one record that is free of data errors. Any record in the file with data errors will not be imported.


When a file is complete and correct, the system will display a message identifying the total records to be imported. The User will also have the option to select whether they would like an Application Submitted email sent to the candidates and the Audience Type for the Imported Candidate Data. The Application Submitted email will include login details for the candidate to access the Candidate Portal.

The User will be taken back to the Messages Menu to review the Import process and from there, are able to navigate directly to the Candidate List which will now display the imported Applications.

When a candidate has been imported, the Source Filter will update to display IMP. The newly created Candidate Card will also display the User who completed the import.

Import new Application Forms for existing Candidates from a CSV file

 As discussed previously, this feature will update an existing Candidate record with a new Application within Job. For example, Peter Wilson is an existing Candidate within the system with an ID of 2935.

I have changed my CSV file and included Peter Wilson’s information in the document.

The system will create Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte as Candidates, validate Peter Wilson’s information against his existing record and identify Lucy Stow as someone who already has an Application against this Job.

On a successful validation the two new candidates (Jane and Charlotte) will be created and the candidate, Peter Wilson, will be tracked to the Job. As Lucy Stow is already tracked to the job her record will not be imported.

Note how in the Validation message displayed above the system identifies, using the Candidate ID, the potential matches within existing Candidates.  We recommend using this ID as a way to check for duplicates within the system via Search. Candidates that are identified as existing in the system can then be applied directly to the job using the “Apply to job” action and then removed from the CSV file. If the record is not identified as a duplicate the record in the CSV file can be accepted as a new candidate and the import will create them as a new candidate.

Managing Permissions

As this is a purchasable feature, the functionality needs to be activated by an NGA.NET team member. Once done, permissions can be assigned to appropriate users to Import Candidates into a Job. Permissions are granted via Function Permissions when managing a User or User Group.


Tick the “Import Candidates via CSV” in the Assessment Process Manager section and the User or User Group will now be able to Import Candidates and Export Application Form templates.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature is a purchasable item. Please contact your Account Manager to have this switched on via 1800 642 638

Package from Candidate Task List

 Currently, Users are only able to Package from within the Candidate List. We have enhanced this feature to allow Users working within the Task Candidate List to Package Application Forms and Application Form attachments (including resumes) of selected candidates. 


From within the Task Candidate List, Users assigned to that Task will be able to see the new Package Applications from the Action drop down menu

By selecting Package Applications, the User will then be able to select either the Standard Packaging feature or PDF Packaging (if enabled). 

PDF Packaging is a premium packaging feature creates a single ZIP File containing a one convenient PDF document of all selected Forms. If you are interested in learning more about PDF Packaging please contact your Account Manager.

The package will include the Application Form and any Application Form attachments (including resumes).  It will display, like any other package, within the Messages Menu accessed from the request or via the Messages tab.

If you would like further information, please contact the NGA.NET Support Team

p. 1800 642 638

e. support@nga.net

 Ask the Community. Post a discussion about these changes or other topics of interest to hear from other NGA.NET Users. http://www.community.nga.net