User Expiry Report
This report allows you to view the expiry dates of all or specific users in the eRecruit system. You can use this report to track when the users’ expiry dates are approaching or have visibility on the expiry dates for any contractors using the eRecruit system.
To access this report:
- On the Report page, double click on the User Expiry Report.
2. This will then take you to the Report Filter page.
Filtering Options
In this section you will be able to add and edit filters, allowing you to view the report data based on your needs. If you wish to use a filter in this report, select the data you wish to filter by.
Click on the search icon to see available answer values .
Click in the box on the left of the search icon to add additional boxes, which will allow you to search on multiple answer values.
Let’s look at these filter options individually.
Expiry Date Between: Filtering by this option allows you to report on users whose expiry dates are between specified date ranges. When you click in the box or on the calendar icon you can then select the applicable dates. Two boxes become available for you to input the between dates you require.
User Group: Filtering by this option allows you to report based on which user group the user belongs to.
Status: Filtering by this option allows you to report based on the user status (i.e. active, locked, or archived).
Username: Filtering by this option allows you to select an individual user.
3. To run the User Expiry Report report click on Go.
4. The report will display below the filters section like so:
On this report you can see the user, their expiry date, the last action this user executed on the eRecruit system and their status in the system.