Function Permissions

Function Permissions

Once you have selected the module(s) you will need to go to function permissions and select any functions that maybe applicable to the user for that module. 

This section will determine exactly what module the user will have access to. Follow the steps below to provide function access to a user:

  1. In the actions list select Function Permissions.
  2. The functions that are associated to the modules selected will be listed.
  3. Select the checkbox for any function permission that you wish to provide to the user.

To assign these individual permissions, tick the corresponding boxes.

Note: This can also be done within a user group. Individual user permissions overwrite group permissions.

 Let’s look at each of these functions individually.

9. After you have filled this information out, click the Save button in the bottom right hand corner.

10. On the breadcrumb trail click Manage User to return back to the user menu.

11. Once you have determined which module(s) the user will have access to, you will be able to limit the user ability within each module by clicking the Functions link.

Based on which module(s) were previously selected for the user, a set of functions will be available to choose from. 

Let’s see what each of these functions do:


 Configure Assessment Templates: This allows the user to create and edit assessment process templates.

 Configure Audience Types: This allows the user to edit an existing Candidate Portal Audience Types. (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE).

 Configure Automation Event Rules:  This allows the user to create and edit Event Rules.  (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE).

 Configure Form Templates:  This allows the user to create and edit Forms from the Form Template Library.

 Configure Global Questions:  This allows the user to create and edit Global Questions.

 Configure Internationalisation:  This allows the user to edit the Languages for the eRecruit system.

Configure Job Properties:  This allows the user to edit the Job Details form (the first page in the job card) for every job.

 Configure Job Statuses:  This allows the user to create and edit Job Statuses.  E.g. the status reflects Job Open, Selection Process etc…

 Configure Merge Document Templates:  This allows the user to create and edit Merge documents, e.g. selection reports and letters of offer.

 Configure Requisition Templates: This allows the user to create and edit requisition process templates.

 Configure Roles:  This allows the user to create and edit different assessment roles for the APM.

 Configure SI Form templates:  This allows the user to edit Single Instance Forms that are used for integrations.  (Only to be handled by ACENDRE).

 Configure System Forms:  This allows the user to edit System Forms relating to the eRecruit structure.  (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE).

 Configure User Defined Views:  This allows the user edit and create User Defined Views for the Talent and Candidate Card, as well as the Home screen.  (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE).


 Configure User Job Permission:  This allows the user to define job permissions for users.

 Create Audience Type:  This allows the user to create a Job Audience Type. (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE).

 Create Brand:  This allows the user to create and edit the client brand(s) for the Candidate Portal.  (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE).

 Create Job Templates:  This allows the user to create and edit Job Templates.

 Create User:  This allows the user to create users in the eRecruit system.

Impersonate User:  This allows the user to replicate what another user sees in the eRecruit system. (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE)

 Job Alert:  This allows the user to configure the Job Alert option in the Candidate Portal.  (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE)


 Manage File Restrictions:  This allows the user to manage file size that is uploaded to the candidate portal and the back end.  (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE)

 Manage Shared File:  This allows the user to configure files and folders in the File Library.

Manage Task Permission:  This allows the user to manage permissions to tasks.

 Manage User:  This allows the user to manage current users in the eRecruit system.

 Manage User Groups:  This allows the user to manage which modules, functions, roles and jobs a group should have access to.

 Position Filter:  This allows the user to search for Positions (if the Position Manager module has been purchased).

Reassign User Tasks:  This allows the user to re-assign any outstanding tasks from one user to another.

 Use Custom Questions:  This allows the user to import a custom question to a form (e.g. Tertiary Qualifications question).

 View Configuration Log:  This allows the user to view an audit trail tracking changes on each job.

Requisition Manager


Configure Available Requisition Processes: This allows the user to configure the requisition process instance.

 Create Requisitions: This allows the user to raise a requisition.

 Delete Requisitions:  This allows the user to delete any incomplete requisition.

 update Job Roles on Available Req: This allows the user to raise a requisition.

 View All Requisitions:  This allows the user to see every requisition (as well as have the ability to edit a current requisition).

Job Manager

Access Job Files for Recruiters:  This allows the user to view the recruiter files attached to the job(s) they have access to.

Configure Application Form: This allows the user to create and edit the application form for each job they have access to.

Configure of Auto Reference Number:  This is used to edit the configuration of the automatically generated reference number.  (To be predominately handled by ACENDRE)

Configure Pre-application Form:  This allows the user to create and edit the Pre Application Form for each job they have access to. The Pre Application form typically contains ‘knock-out’ questions and may contain residency/citizenship type questions.

Create Job From Template:  This allows the user to create a job from a pre-existing job template.

Delete Applications: This allows the user to delete candidate’s job applications or registration details.

Delete Job Card: This allows the user to delete a job and the candidate’s applications for that job.

Edit Job Template:  This allows the user to make changes to job templates via the system page.

Initialise JCW:  This allows the user to create a blank job from scratch without using a job template. 

JobAd Manage Seek Logos: This allows the user to add or delete logo files that can appear using the Seek.com integration.

Manage Job Files for Applicants:   This allows the user to upload documents to the candidate portal. Typically used for position descriptions and the like.

Manage Job Files for Recruiters:   This allows the user to upload documents that may contain instructions/ additional information for recruiters that have access to this job.  Typically used for interview guides, reference checks forms and the like.

Manually Override of Auto Reference Number:   This allows the user to edit the automatically generated reference number during and after job creation. 

Merge Candidate Documents:  This allows the user to merge eRecruit data (candidate or job) information into word documents.  This is very useful for selection reports or letters of offer and the like.

Modify Candidate Personal Details:   This allows the user to update specified personal details for each candidate via the Candidate Card.

Re-open Manually Submitted Application:  This allows the user to ‘reactivate’ a previously submitted candidate application. Doing this will remove this application from the ‘Completed Applications’ group and allow the candidate to edit this application before re-submitting it.

Set Applicant Flags:   This allows the user to set applicant flags. Applicant flags can be either manually or automatically set and are used to identify candidates that meet specified criteria.

Task Property Filter:   This allows the user to filter the Task list.

Update Dynamic Job Ad Form:   This allows the user to be able to update the Job Details for a particular job.

View Data Deletion Log:   This allows the user to access a log to view any data that has been deleted for the Job.

View everyones Tasks:  This allows the user to see every task (useful for Super Users).

 View My User Groups tasks:  This allows the user to see every task assigned to their particular group.

Vendor Manager

All Vendor Jobs: This allows the vendor user to view all vendor assigned jobs.

My Vendor Jobs: This allows the vendor user to only access jobs assigned either individually or to their vendor branch.

Vendor Management: This allows the user access to create and edit new vendors.

Vendor Branch Management: This allows the user access to create and edit branches for vendors.

Assessment Process Manager

Configure Assessment Processes:   This allows the user access to create and edit an Assessment Process Manager (APM). The APM is used to track and assess candidates throughout the recruitment process.

Configure Assessment Rules: This allows the user access to create and edit rules within the APM. Rules may be used to trigger actions such as setting applicant flags, displaying assessment scores, making assessment decisions and assigning candidates to groups.

Configure Concurrent Status: This allows the user access to create concurrent steps within the APM. Concurrent assessment steps do not have to be completed sequentially – they can be completed in any order.

Import CSV Date to Assessment Forms: This allows the user to upload assessment form results into eRecruit via a CSV (Spreadsheet) file.

Re-execute rules and actions: This allows the user to apply newly created rules/actions to a current job and its candidates.

Rollback Assessment Processes: This allows the user to rollback any candidates who had moved through the APM by mistake (useful for Super Users).

Talent Warehouse

Manage Search Templates: This gives the user access to save a search template to be used only in the Requisition process.

Select/Action Talent: This gives the user the ability to perform a recruitment action on candidates returned from the search. 

Talent Search: This gives the user access to search for candidates through the talent pool based on application and assessment data.

Update Global Assessment Form: This allows the user access to update the Global Assessment form via the Candidate Card.

Candidate Portal

Apply for Job:  This allows the user access to apply for jobs on the Candidate Portal as a Candidate.

 Configure Candidate Portal Password Policy:  This allows the user access to change the format of the password, including enforcing alpha numeric, special characters, upper and lower case as well as applying a password expiry time period.

Activity Scheduler

Configure Interview Types: This allows the user to create and edit interview types within the Scheduler feature.

Configure Interview Venues: This allows the user to create and edit interview venue information within the Scheduler feature.

Configure Online Candidate Scheduling: This allows the user to turn the Activity Scheduler functionality on/off for specific jobs.

Configure Time Segments: This allows the user to create and edit time segments within the Scheduler feature.

Interview Blocks (Admin): This allows the user to create interview activities/blocks and edit information contained in the Interview Blocks (Admin) screen.

Interview Blocks (Interviewer): This allows the user access to view (not edit) the Interview Blocks screen within the Interview Scheduler feature.


When creating a user, only tick one of the three Report check-boxes as they relate to the type of permission the user should have. 

Corporate Report Writer: This allows the user to configure and run Ad Hoc reports that can be saved for other users to use.  This option is useful for Super Users.

Report Consumer: This allows the user to run previously saved reports from the Corporate Report Writer.  This option is useful for Managers.

Report Writer: This allows the user to read and create personal reports.  This option is useful for Recruiters.

Communication Manager

Send SMS Messages: This allows the user send SMS messages to Candidates from the Candidate List/Candidate Card.

PDF Packaging

Packaging into PDF: This allows the user to package into a PDF file.

Note: The remaining modules (Integrations, Security, Capability Framework, Burning Glass, Process Manager, HRWorx, Integrations, Convert to Image and Lode Integration are used by ACENDRE only).

12. Once you have allocated the user functions for each module, click the Save button in the bottom right hand corner.

Creating user access for a single user#Top

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