Editing the Global Assessment Form
The Global Assessment form is used to capture specific candidate information which will be accessible by recruiters across any job the candidate applies for, via the Candidate Card. An example is to capture if the candidate would be a good fit for a future role. This is a system form and if it is changed, it will change the Global Assessment form on all candidates.
To add global assessment questions:
- Click the System icon at the top right hand side of the page.
- Under System heading, click the System Forms link.
- Within System Forms click the Global Assessment Form link.
- This will give you a list of the global assessment questions that are contained on the Candidate Card.
- To add a global question to this list, click the Add global question link.
- This will take you to the Global Question List, only the questions that have been created for Global Assessment will appear.
Global Questions already used in the form will have an X next to the reference; this will ensure that there is no duplication.
- Select your question by clicking the checkbox under the Select column. You will be able to add more then one question to the form at any one time.
- Click the Add button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
- This will add the question to the Global Assessment form.